Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Avengers

So, ever the slave to media hype, I watched The Avengers this weekend. I've never touched a comic book in my life, so this is really not my thing. Then again, I do try to watch most major movies.  I didn't particularly like the Captain America one or The Hulk...but I did really like Thor...perhaps because of Chris Hemsworth ... as well as Iron Man...though definitely because of Robert Downey Jr. ... so I decided to try this movie.

*This review may contain SPOILERS, so read at your own risk if you haven't seen the movie.*

  1. The special effects were, as expected, excellent...but was the flying aircraft carrier really necessary? 
  2. Okay, that old man standing up to Loki and then Captain America rescuing him, even I have to admit, was pretty cool. 
  3. ...Chris Hemsworth is still ridiculously attractive, in case any of you were wondering. And fairly funny, too. Particularly the "He's adopted." line. 
  4. And, of course, Robert Downey Jr. was Robert Downey Jr., AKA phenomenal! 
  5. I didn't get bored once, like I usually do during explosion-a-second flicks like this one. 
  6. If you haven't been able to tell, I came into this movie expecting to hate it: big budget action flick with tons of special effects, CGI and Scarlett Johannson as eye candy. But, for some reason, I didn't! It kept me engaged, and, while, obviously, there wasn't as much focus on the human aspect as in, say, a film adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks novel, I still cared about the characters. A lot. 
  7. This did have some humor interspersed with the action, and the enemy ships at the end, shaped like fish or whatever, were really cool. 
  8. As much as it pains me to say that I enjoyed a movie that didn't have romance in it, I really did like this movie. Well, I mean, technically, there was witty romantic banter and some kissing between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts (that name!), but I don't really count that as romance per se. I'd say the best example of a romance in a movie like this was between Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth in Thor. Considering the genre, I thought that was adequate. But, hey, you can't have everything, and I really was surprised by how much I liked the Avengers. 
The Verdict: You should definitely see this movie. Even if you're romcom/epic romance/period drama fanatic  like me, you should still see this movie once. It's worth the time, even if you don't love it. 

Thanks for reading!

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