Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Departed - The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 22

*This review contains SPOILERS and was written as I watched, so please forgive any typos*

Oh, my God! What a finale!

  1. Okay...Elena is a cheerleader? Wait...Mom?! Oh, hospital scene, I see. That was a clever opener. I liked that a lot!
  2. Oh, no! Alaric ...wait, and Meredith just stands there? Okay, that teary face was pathetic. Stab him or something!
  3. I love Caroline! She is so sweet! 
  4. A look at Elena/Matt? Yes, please! They are adorable in that football player/cheerleader way. Not that Elena doesn't have a soulmate already in Damon Salvatore, love of my life. 
  5. "It's not right what I'm doing to them, either." FINALLY! I have been waiting for this since season 2! Thank you! ...Wait, which one? Stefan gets let go of course. Here he comes...oh, no! What if she doesn't end up with Damon?
  6. ELIJAH!?!?!?! Aaaaaaah! Yeeessss! I am so an Original sympathizer.
  7. God, I love Damon! Always interjecting humor into these tense situations. 
  8. Aw, Elijah wants his brother back! How cute!
  9. Uh-oh, I do not like the Mom brigade...okay, they're not mind-controlled by Alaric (too much TV = paranoid me), just harbingers of bad news. Oh, my God! Tyler and Caroline running away?
  10. Oh no! Oh no! Matt! No! Jeremy, don't! No! No! NO! NO!
  11. Oh, that was a fake out. Haha, not that I was worried or anything like that. 
  12. I'm not sure I like the Tyler/Caroline running thing. There's always the moment when young, in love couples say "Oh, let's meet up and then start our glorious, romantic lives together." But, you know that's not going to happen. I mean, for heaven's sake, it's like Romeo and Juliet in here!
  13. Oh, God. Was she going to let Stefan go or confess her love? This is killing me, I need - *GASP* What a kiss! *GASP* Is she choosing Stefan? Do I want her to? *Dramatic music swell* Ah! This is killing me! 
  14. Oh, no! Alaric!? Damn! Aw! Damon! I hate it when they kill him!
  15. It's very endearing that Matt sucks at tea. Just saying. 
  16. Stefan?! No! Not Stefan! Damon! NO! Damon's not a problem! He's Damon! Damon as in P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N! 
  17. Matt drugged her? That bastard! Oh! OH! I so rescind number 15. 
  18. Uh-oh, I don't want Rebecca to die!Thank God the coffin was gone! Uh-oh! 
  19. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! KLLLAAAAUUUUSSSS! Noooooooooooooo! NO! NO! NO! NO! I loved Klaus! No, no, no! That bastard, that goddamned bastard! Poor Rebecca! Ugh, I am so pissed off. 
  20. Oh, God, no! Drive to Damon or Stefan? What? NO! This is unbelievable! I cannot handle this!
  21. "Matt's taking me home." NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Driving to Damon would have been the ultimate gesture! Oh, Elena, you b*tch! If you'd have seen the look on his face!
  22. Oh, no! Damon, sweetheart, don't ask that. No, no, no! Don't do this to yourself, she's not worth it! Oh, OH! This is destroying me. I cannot believe this! What the hell is wrong with you Elena Gilbert? Damon has saved your life and cares about you and needs you and loves you and is perfection itself and you choose Stefan? Oh, no! 
  23. And if that wasn't enough, Caroline and Tyler are dying together. Un -freaking- believable. I cannot handle this level of emotional trauma! Oh, my God! 
  24. Aw, sweet Elijah and Rebecca moment. Wait...if it wasn't Klaus and it wasn't Kol or elijah or Rebecca, then who was it?
  25. Holy shit! Klaus IS Tyler? What the hell? Whoa! Whoa! WHOA!
  26. My God, they went over the bridge! Wow! I love the whole full circle thing here!
  27. Wait...Damon and Elena met in the past? Damon and Elena flirted in the past? 
  28. Oh, my God! This song? The truck underwater? This is ripping my insides out! Matt? Matt!
  29. Oh, God! Damon seeing Rick die and knowing about Elena...Rick? Rick is a ghost? 
  30. WHAT?! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? Elena's dead! NOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh, I cannot express the depths of my grief! I'm sorry I called you a b*tch Elena! *Sobs hysterically*
  31. AAAAAAAAAAAAH *Blogger has conniption fit* Elena, a vampire! Ah! AH! Holy shit! Oh, dear God! Is the CW trying to give all their views heart attacks? I don't think that'll do well for ratings!
Wow! More on this episode tomorrow! Whoa! Thanks for reading! Oh my God!

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