Sunday, August 26, 2012

Husbands and Fathers - Copper Season 1 Episode 2

*This review contains spoilers.*

Wooooo! It's finally here! This past week I moved into college, and BBC America's Copper has still been the focus of my greatest attention throughout the week...I have transcended excited into some sort of oxymoronic state like euphoric calm or joyful hysteria....Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

The actual review:

  • I literally cannot tell you how amazing the opening title sequence for Copper is...I beg you to watch it. 
  • I love how Corky is all concerned about the whereabouts of his wife...but he has no problem with patronizing Eva's establishment, shall we say. But I love him anyway for some bizarre reason. 
  • I'm intrigued by this potential The Irish versus The Freed Slaves thing...
  • Oh, wow, oh, BAM! Corky is so freaking awesome...he just totally owned Mr. Haverford. 
  • And he's getting shut down by a nun...oh, this is priceless. I love this show. 
  • I'm glad to see Civil War stuff, I think it adds a whole new layer to the show.
  • Hahahahahahaha! Sending them to Hoboken, that was funny...this show has pretty much everything, even humor. 
  • I like Matthew and Sarah, I'm glad they don't seem to have less of a role since they moved away. 
  • Ooooh, that was a nice one, Mrs. Haverford! This is just such a good show...having literally everything and just the tone and the mood being literally perfection.
  • Okay, who the heck is Tongus McClougherty? Totally have no idea on the spelling there. 
  • I love the score for, so wonderful. 
  • I don't know why I like Corky so much, since he's so violent...but somehow I can't help but love him. 
  • Okay, so Kevin has a lead now...
  • I kind of like Robert Morehouse...I can't quite get a lock on his character, but I'm intrigued. 
  • I really don't like this Molly woman...she seems untrustworthy. 
  • What the heck does everyone have against the Irish?
  • Inherent nobility? A boxer? A horseman? Oh, I am in love with Corky. 
  • Oh, wow, Elizabeth Haverford, you are a badass. 
  • Uh-oh, I hope nobody starts beating on Kevin...Oh, no, they have Corky! Oh, shit! No! Not his leg! Oh, wow, what an intense scene! That was great! Poor Corky :( Absolutely epic acting by Tom Weston-Jones. 
  • Oh, no...he better be okay...I hate seeing people in pain. 
  • Great, McGuire is breaking and entering...Sarah seems a little unbalanced to me.
  • Oh, no, more pain. That does not look good...I really do get a kick out of this mid-19th century medical procedure stuff. 
  • Wait, I thought Kate and Annie's father was dead...Oh, he is such a fake. There is no way... 
  • Ah, yes, Mrs/ Haverford for the win. 
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, he's her husband??? WHAT?!
  • Aw, Corky's sweet with kids! 
  • Oh, come on, Kevin! You're looking for your missing wife, you told Eva she was the only one you wanted, and you just let Molly go for it with you?! Where is the consistency? Why do I still love you? 
  • Okay, what the hell is Molly doing? Oh, you greedy bitch! NO! Corky better rescue Annie....somehow. 
  • So, why would Robert go out of his way to be the one to give his father the deed? Latent Daddy issues? 
  • Oh, my God does that leg look terrible...
  • Oh, come on, Annie, you've got to escape somehow...Oh, this is the creepiest thing ever. 
  • Wait, how did Corky get in there? Holy shit, Annie you are a total and complete badass. Holy shit, the Countessa too? Oh, my God...holy shit...I am literally paralyzed with shock. 
  • God, Corky must really care about Annie to go through complete agony for her. 
  • Aw, this must be Maggie. 
  • Jesus, why does every go for the damaged leg? I can't handle this. 
  • Elizabeth is going to adopt Annie? That is so sweet! 
  • That's ominous...and a sweet moment with hallucination!Maggie...
Phenomenal episode in a phenomenal show...if you are not watching this show you are missing out. 

Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Surviving Death - Copper Season 1 Episode 1 PREMIERE!

*This review contains spoilers.*

Hi! If you're new here, I do reviews of TV shows as I watch them followed by commentary. I've decided to pick up BBC America's Copper because, I mean, BBC has  Doctor Who and Merlin and Sherlock and  all the other good stuff, so this ought to be great, too, right? Besides, it's their first original series and I mean, it's set in the mid-19th century and you know me and anything remotely historical.  Also, they had an article on their blog with "hot pictures" of Tom Weston-Jones, the star, and this video about why women love his character...and I was so sold.

Okay, sorry, babbling, but I'm super excited. The actual review:

  • I am literally giddy with excitement right now...ah, here it comes! :) Whoa...this intro is absolutely wicked. I can already tell that this is one of those shows where I need to watch each episode twice. The music, the imagery, the coloring, absolutely everything about this intro is to die for...oh, BBC America, you never cease to amaze. 
  • New York City, 1864...oh, I adore this, love, love, new favorite TV show. I'm assuming this beautiful eyes belongs to our hero...yep, oh, and he just said, "What's your name, darlin'?" Ah, I am so sold on Tom Weston-Jones. 
  • ...Um...okay...Annie is a bit...uh...mature...for her age...
  • I love this score...oh, I am in love with this show already. Seriously, tune in, it's on BBC America Sundays at 10 PM. 
  • The costumes are really great, and the entire set has a very authentic feel, in my opinion.
  • It seems Detective Corcoran is a proponent of shooting first, questioning later. O.o. I mean, whoa, it's been like five minutes and we're already being bombarded with action? Oh, man, I am beyond thrilled to have started watching this show. 
  • And this lovely melody persists through the demonstrations of marksmanship....classic. :)
  • So, he's called Corky? I like it...I also love the corruption angle here. 
  • I feel like Corky has some what of a serious rockstar/cowboy vibe going on. And I like it. ;)
  • Oh, yes, a bit of knowledge of Kevin's wife...I remember reading about her on the show's website. Fascinating. 
  • Oh, whoa, Annie's dead? Man, this show starts and it just doesn't stop! 
  • Oh, so Kevin just came home to an empty house? Oh, that is rough! And still searching? Wow, does this have potential!
  • Oh, wow, this Matthew fellow is amazing at being a coroner! I love stuff like this, only it's so much cooler in a mid-19th century setting than one of the many modern day forensics shows. Wow, Annie seems to have had a very difficult life. Poor child.
  • Oh, wow, no wonder Sara is terrified, that's horrible. 
  • Whoa, whoa, there's another Annie?! Twins, perhaps? What an interesting development!
  • Ah, the high society of Mr. Morehouse...that's the third shirtless man we've seen in less than half an hour! Whoa, is this another brothel? How many brothels does one town need? 
  • So, Maguire wants to marry Molly...who is a bit too busy working in a brothel. 
  • Aw, his poor daughter Maggie!
  • Oh, my God, that Countessa kept Annie as a prostitute? What an evil, conniving.... 
  • Ah, the imported, English, Elizabeth Haverford...beautiful and smart...oh, please, please, please let there be something between her and Corky...please?
  • Oh, my God, he just beat those guys with brass knuckles! Just like that! With brass knuckles! Oh, wow, that was freaking epic! 
  • Matthew is the real deal with this detective stuff. 
  • I don't know what to think of minute he's being all sweet with injured little girls and the next he is bashing skulls with brass knuckles. 
  • Wow, Matthew is good. Really, really good. 
  • Oh, dear God, Corky is It was Mr. Haverford! And he just walks out with the wolf's head God, this man is badass. 
  • Uh-oh...asking if he told any reporters? Taking over the case? It seems like they're going to take bribes to keep Haverford's affinity for young girls on the down low. 
  • Bill Longin? Kate walked in? Oh, that is such a lie! Oh, they are so just trying to save face! 
  • So, Molly wants Kevin? I see...and Annie is at the other brothel? He lied to save her from Haverford?
  • Oh, wow, this worked out surprisingly well for Bill...I like that.
  • Whoa, Mrs. Haverford is taking some serious initiative. I can't imagine what it would be like to find out that you've married a man who does those horrid things. I really, really love the score to this. And Tom Weston-Jones is beautiful. 
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! This is my new favorite show! This is literally perfect...the setting and feel of the show are just so authentic it's (ironically) almost unreal and just the in-your-face action is totally non-stop and the shocks don't ever let up but it's all pervaded by this sweet, melodious tune and a couple performers doing what seem to be traditional Irish ballads and it gives the whole show this ethereal feel. But, the show also feels it doesn't feel contrived...I don't even know how to explain it to you other than to just recommend that you watch it. And then there is all this class tension, between people like us and people like them, as Bill said in the jail cell, and Sara (Matthew's wife) seems genuinely worried about racial violence....this show has so many places to go it is unreal. 

The main character, Detective Corcoran, AKA Kevin, AKA Corky is freaking amazing...he is totally badass, but he's got the whole troubled past, tortured soul thing, too, and his missing wife and his bizarre loyalty to only one woman in the brothel, Eve...just his motives and such...we saw him as privy and party to blatant corruption in stealing from the bank robbers, but he was also noticeably angered that Haverford seemed to be getting off scot-free for the murder of Kate. I don't know what to think of him, and I absolutely love that...the fact that Tom Weston-Jones is utterly stunning doesn't hurt, either, of course. 

In short, this show is my new obsession, so expect it to consume my waking hours. I cannot wait for next week, and I strongly suggest your peruse its website; they have cool stuff there. 

I really hope I will be able to define what I love about this show, so I can tell you something other than it's perfect...but it really just feels right. It has absolutely everything a show should, and, more importantly, it makes me feel and believe and hope and worry and become invested in these characters. It's the first freaking episode and I already care more about Corky and Annie and Maguire than I do about the characters of any of the other shows that I am currently watching. 

If you didn't watch this show, I adamantly suggest that you is phenomenally perfect, and my absolutely new favorite show...if someone asked me, "Hey, tell me everything you want a show to be, and we'll make it for you," I couldn't have responded with anything remotely like Copper because it has stuff I didn't even know I wanted, let alone the stuff I didn't know I needed

Ah, just watch it, I'll try to define its perfection better next time. 

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A More Perfect Union - Falling Skies Season 2 Episode 10 FINALE!

*This review contains spoilers.*

Hello everyone! You, me, TNT's Falling Skies!
  • Oh, look, Ben is in the previously on...hopefully we see him again before the season is out...looking forward to the development of this coup. 
  • Oh, I love Pope...
  • sirens are never good! Holy crap! Look at them all! Oh, yes! Woooo, rebels! Wooo! Ben! This is a nice scene...all standing together in solidarity like that...very, very nice. 
  • This conversation is very fascinating. I hope they go with it...I really, really didn't liked the way Bressler said "Agreed," it was as if he meant the idea of the rebel Skitters. 
  • Oh, Weaver and Tom are doing pretty well against this Bressler asshole. 
  • Damn you, Bressler! I need to see who plays this guy, he's quite good. 
  • Ah, yes, a Hal and Ben moment! I've been waiting for this for a, Hal can be so sweet.Oh, Ben, come with your family! This is a really poignant moment that also manages to remain fairly light in tone...I secretly really love brotherly moments...maybe because I'm an only child and also a girl, so I can never really have one, ever...perhaps that's why I love Supernatural so much. 
  • Ah, Anne and Lourdes...Anne just threw up! In TV land, that is so code for pregnancy...ah, yes! Wooo! Oh, God, Anne, saying you're not informing Tom until after the mission is a freaking death sentence!
  • Oh, no...this must have been Bressler's doing! Oh, you smug bastard! 
  • Oh, come on, oh, yes! Woooooo! I love you Captain Weaver! Way to be a badasss! I really don't trust Bressler. 
  • Oh, yes, father/daughter moment! Side note: Laci J. Malley (Jean) is freaking beautiful. Her skin is so beautifully pale and porcelain, literally stunning. Really great acting sweet. 
  • Aw, Tector! Ah, yes, Tector! Throw off the bonds of oppression and come back to the Berserkers! 
  • I really liked this whole scene...people leaving, deciding who is coming, who isn't and why and how they react to it...I think that shows a lot about everyone's character. 
  • Oh, man, oh, man...they're in! Really impressive sets here...alien, but organic. 
  • Oh, whoa, Dai is such a badass! Oh, no! Hal! Maggie! Anne! Oh, shit! Oh, God, it's freaking Karen! Again! 
  • Oh, damn that Karen bitch! I should have seen torture coming...oh, she actually kissed him! Oh, is she going for Anne? Oh, no, not Weaver! Oh, God, she is totally going for Anne....oh, she knows she's pregnant! Oh, wow, what a way to find out you're going to be a father for poor Tom..,Oh, no, don't talk! 
  • Yes, rebel Skitters! Oh, yes, woooooooooo! Beat that bastard Tom! Great freaking sequence! Just epic!
  • Oh, no! Is that Red Eye? No, don't you die on me! Nooooooooooooooooooo!
  • Uh-oh, I hope Hal is okay...I really like him. 
  • Oh, please, you freaking Charleston people, now you love the 2nd Mass...not buying not buying it. 
  • Oh, yes, Ben is so sweet with Matt! 
  • ...uh-oh, what did Karen do to Hal?
  • Oh, I have been waiting for the Anne/Tom pregnancy conversation...this is sweet, and I absolutely adore the chemistry between Noah Wyle and Moon Bloodgood...who still has the world's most badass name and beautiful hair. 
  • This is pretty ominous music here as Hal gets up...Oh, ew, oh, nasty...what does this mean? This really feels like some sort of mind control. 
  • No, Tom, Manchester asked you twice...he's poisoning you! Don't drink it! Don't! Oh, no, he's offering him a position, not trying to kill him...haha, I guess I can't read people very well, haha. 
  • I like the idea of the 2nd Mass hitting the road again...
  • This is a good bonding moment between Weaver and Tom...
  • All was going so well...and now the building is breaking...not an earthquake...a storm of some kind? Noise torture from the aliens? Whoa, whoa, whoa....what in the hell is that thing? Spaceship? ...It's a fairly human shaped alien...with a bat wing collar...and very expressive eyes. 
  • Theory: the thing that pointed towards the sky that the 2nd Mass destroyed was a weapon of some kind to be used by the fishheads/Skitters against the humanoid/batwinged aliens that just arrived, because somehow those two alien races are at war...any takers? If you have theories, please share in the comments below. 
Okay, wow, what an episode. I think it really typified what I love about TNT's Falling Skies all in one episode. First, you've got the total badass alien fighting stuff what with Tom versus the fishhead and you've got the more political civilian versus military control fighting between the humans. Plus, you get one hell of a cliffhanger with this whole new species of alien that we know nothing about...with the humans? Against? No idea! In addition, we see an example of the show's ability to keep you guessing...the rebel Skitters being shot outside of Charleston came out of left field and I thought we wouldn't see them again, ever...but there they were to save the day. And, of course, my personal favorite, the human drama and superb acting...loved the Tom Mason and his boys family stuff, as always, and I think Anne's pregnancy adds another wonderful layer to their familial dynamic. Plus, of course, Maggie's reaction to the Hal/Karen kiss and subsequent unconsciousness of the former. 

This episode was a fitting finale: fast-paced, emotional and both satisfying and tantalizing; I highly recommend you catch it if you haven't watched it already.

All in all, I think it's a lovely show and one I would recommend you check it out and start from the beginning if you don't watch. 

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bad Teeth - Grimm Season 2 Episode 1 PREMIERE!

*This review contains spoilers.*

I know, I know, this is a day late, but yesterday was the season finale of MTV's Teen Wolf and I was way too excited about that to even contemplate heading over to NBC for Grimm. However, NBC totally has the entire episode on their website for me to catch up on! Yay! :)

If you're new here, I do reviews of TV shows that I watch as I watch them and then comment at the end..and while Grimm isn't in my top five or anything, it's a good show that I recommend...okay, enough babbling by me, here we go!

  • One thing I love about Grimm is that they open with a quote and the entire fairy tale motif that they have. I absolutely adore fairy tales, so I was thrilled when I saw a show that had them!
  • Oh, wow, I love the tone of this show...very ominous without being B-rated-horror-movie cheesy. 
  • Whoa! They looks so mutilated...hmmm...the title is "Bad Teeth"...maybe werewolves? Hshsknflan! Whoa I jumped at that...that doesn't look like any supernatural creature I can identify...ah, yes, this is a good show. 
  • Not gonna lie...this fight scene isn't doing it for me...then again,I don't really like fight scenes. Oh, hey, great way to treat your long lost son, by, you know, beating him up!
  • Whoa...that looks like a tiger! That's what I see anyway...great special effects. 
  • Okay, so Nick's father is dead...and Momma Grimm just dashes you want to give your son abandonment issues? 
  • Oh, yes! Monroe and Rosalee scene! They are too cute!
  • Oh...that awkward moment of reconciliation. Poor Nick...David Giuntoli is a really good actor.
  • Whoa, whoa, Nick's mom is a bit of a psychopath...or a bitch, as Monroe aptly puts it, haha. 
  • Uh-oh, I really liked Juliette...I hope they get to her in time to stop it. 
  • Oh, Monroe, such comic relief.
  • I can't remember if Nick's boss is a good guy or a bad guy...he seems rather ominous with Juliette now. 
  • Whoa...Juliette's dream sequence thing is really creepy. 
  • Oh, right, I totally forgot Hank was on the verge of some sort of emotional breakdown when we last left off! 
  • I'm not sure how I feel about Nick's mother to be honest. 
  • Ooooh, what an awkward moment with Nick and the Feds...
  • I love these little domestic moments. 
  • Oh, a little more Grimm background...that's nice. 
  • Oh, man, they're gonna make me cry yet! :'(
  • Ah, yes, we're seeing what it is!
  • Okay....weird castle and guy being tortured...hey, it's Franklin from True Blood...what the heck is this? Are they these royal families we've been hearing about?
  • Whoa...Nan from True Blood/ Adalinde's mother is scary! 
  • So, they're fighting a killer cat? Cool. 
  • Wow...Nick is serious about helping Juliette. 
  • Nick's boss French accent is terrific. Just saying. 
  • Ooooh, secret compartments. Ah, yes, more Grimm lore...Crusaders...buried treasure...this is good. This is really good. 
  • Uh-oh...not that I liked the two Feds, but still, this doesn't look good to me. And the dude is being a total dick...oh, shit, that's scary.
  • Oh, ew, Kimora's corpse is really, really icky...props to special effects. 
  • And the FBI woman's body is so gross too...they do a good job...
  • Oh, man, there it is! Whoa, what a cliffhanger ending!
So, I liked this episode's tone and pacing a lot, as well as the developing relationship between Nick and his mother. I thought they did a good job with giving us a little of each character, as well as starting off at a decent gait...nothing worse than a show that drags along. 

In short, the show isn't spectacular like MTV's Teen Wolf or BBC's Doctor Who or HBO's Game of Thrones or CW's Supernatural, but I enjoy it a lot and definitely recommend it. I think the fairy tale theme is well-played, kind of like the early days of Supernatural meets ABC's Once Upon a Time meets, you know, Grimm's fairy tales. Also, David Giuntoli is pretty attractive for someone who is the farthest thing from my type it is possible to be...just saying, in case that affects your decision to pick up this show or not. 

Thanks for reading!

P.S. I started burning Pumpkin Buttercream from Yankee Candle, and it is addition to watching Grimm you should also buy that candle. 

Master Plan - Teen Wolf Season 2 Episode 12 FINALE!

*This review contains spoilers.*

Aaaaah! It's finally here! The finale! Oh, my God, I am literally so excited I can hardly bear it! If you haven't been following along, I do reviews of TV shows, particularly MTV's Teen Wolf, as it's my favorite, while I watch them and then conclude with my thoughts on the events of the show...considering how much freaking awesome is about to emanate from my television, that should generally consist  of exclamation points.

Babbling, I know, sorry, I can't help it. If Derek dies or Allison lives, know that my rage will be visceral and immediate, so if swearing offends you, leave now.

  • Oh, wow, I forgot how much of a cliffhanger there was...okay, Jackson is leaking ... venom?
  • Who the hell is hurting Stiles? Nobody hurts Stiles! What the hell is that noise? Okay, so Erica and Boyd are still alive...good.....Stiles better be okay!!!!!
  • ...No, stay with Stiles! Aw, poor Sheriff Stilinski...I like that Isaac is here for this...and not just because he is beautiful. And hilarious. 
  • DEREK!!!! It's DEREK! :) Really, like two seconds? Oh, you are such a tease! Yes, I did just say that to the TV. 
  • Electric ropes? Who would - oh, of course, Grandpa Psycho, who else? Okay, no torture for Erica and Boyd...good. Oh, Stiles, I love you dearly....Oh, no! Gerard you fucking bastard! Oh, my God! NO! NOT STILES!!!!!! Nobody, I repeat, nobody beats on Stiles...Oh, Gerard, you are dying today...Karma is a bitch and beating up Stiles is like kicking a puppy...a newborn puppy...with a steel-toed boot...Karma is so coming for you, Gerard Argent. (Yes, I recognize how irrational that was...but nobody messes with Stiles, okay?)
  • Oh, yes, Derek! Oooh, awkward! Haha, Peter is hilarious...Ian Bohen is so great. Wait, wait, Gerard wanted Jackson dead...I can't believe he's really dead...I mean, the kanima always healed. 
  • Come on, Chris Argent! I love this put that bitch in her place! Wooo! Seriously, guys, JR Bourne has eyes of...of...I don't even know, but God they are intense. 
  • Oh, Mrs. McCall, don't tell me you haven't seen all the horror movies where people die in morgues? Oh, God, she's going for the body bag! 
  • Aw, what a moment between Stiles and his dad...that was so sweet! Impressive acting as well. 
  • Okay....Jackson is in some sort of cocoon? Odd. 
  • LYDIA?! Oh, dear God, is this finally, finally Lydia/Stiles? I am literally squealing with happiness! And she brings up Jackson! I'm sorry I'm not grieving, I just can't believe he's really dead. Can I just say Holland Roden is amazing? I mean, seriously, I need to find out what else she's in!
  • ...Whoa...MOVEMENT! That is movement! Is he dead or not? Is that nerves?
  • Oh, Chris are you doing what I think you are? Guess not.
  • Aw, Stiles, toilet paper? And he shops at Macy's too! Jewelry, a TV? Oh, come on, Lydia, this is the sweetest boy ever! Seriously...I would kill for a guy like Stiles to give me toilet paper and a flat screen TV! ...You know, I think they should kiss...he's all roughed up around the eye, so she could lean in real close to look at it or dab at some blood or put something on it and then she'd be right there and she'd tilt her head and he's move in a bit and so she would she and then they would kiss and it would be magnificence made tangible...maybe?
  • Nope, back to Derek and Peter. Beta shape? Wings? Uh-oh...oh dear...Peter is still hilarious. OH! That's why Gerard wanted it! 
  • Uh-oh, Chris is here...OH, YES! He is so turning on Gerard!
  • Oh, yes, this Stiles and Lydia scene is beautiful. Aw, come on, he just admitted he'd be lost without you! Lydia!!!!!!! Come back! Damn! What a scene...Stiles so worried about Lydia! Aw!
  • Oh, yes, Chris is so on board! 
  • Another great Stiles and his dad moment...finally, someone congratulates Stiles on that most epic of lacrosse games ever. Yes, he was a hero! Oh, great moment, great acting.
  • Oh, really, Derek? Haha, Peter, exactly what I was thinking. Oh, I just talked to Peter...not a good sign. 
  • Holy shit, Gerard! Holy shit, Derek! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Oh, no, he is so not dead! DEREK! ISAAC! NO! Oh, Allison you psychopathic BITCH! OH, GOD, this is why I love this show! 
  • YES! Derek is back! And Scott and Isaac are all wolfed out too! Oh, this is epic! So, so , freakin' epic! NO! Derek! NO! Isaac! Oh, God, not Isaac! No! I just started to love him! Allison, you bitch, don't you dare! Oh, no, she's going for Derek! Ah! Oh, God! Oh, yes, Jackson, strangle that psycho! 
  • So, Gerard is dying...what a revelation! Oh, no, don't make Derek do this! Scott, Allison is a psycho bitch, you don't need her! NO!!!! Oh, Gerard you manipulative son of a bitch! Oh, no! The pills? What is in the pills? Mountain he...? Oh, God, I think he is! YES!!!! 
  • Uh-oh, oh, yes, Stiles to the rescue! With Lydia in tow! Or vice versa! Haha, that scream was hilarious!
  • Aw, that key, this is a darling moment for them...I thought I shipped Stiles and Lydia, but that sweet smile on Jackson's face over Lydia's shoulder made me, for the first time this show, actually like him. Oh, God, he's okay right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEREK YOU FUCKING BASTARD WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!!!!!!! Oh, God, he's asking if she still loves him! NO! He can't die! I am literally sobbing as I write this! NO! Please, no!
  • And Scott just grabs Allison's hand? Really, you just forgive that psycho bitch?
  • Oh, no, NO! I am never going to get over this! Whoa, whoa, is that MOVEMENT! Hallelujah! OH, wow, that rising silhouetted in the lights of Stiles Jeep was magnificent! YES!!!!!!! Oh, and they hug!!!! This is magnificent! YES! Oh, God, yes, I weep tears of joy!
  • Aw, a tear from Stiles? I'm sorry Stiles, but you have to admit that moment where he asked if she still loved him and then them being reunited was utterly perfection. 
  • They keep panning back to Derek...I don't love you anymore meant for him to die...and I don't pity the look of regret on your face that no one will tell you they still love you as you lay dying. Okay, maybe a my heart, but not in my brain. 
  • Oh, God, Scott, really? You just forgive her? And you're going to just wait? And you want to be with this psycho? Oh, come on, if you'd have seen her in the woods with Erica and Boyd? What she did to Isaac? I can't forgive her, I just can't. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else hate Allison still? Or am I alone? Amazing acting by Crystal Reed, of course. 
  • Whoa, whoa....are those all werewolves? What? WHAT?! 
  • Wait, the vet is all decked out in black he a hunter?
  • An Alpha pack????? What? Is that bad? Wait, Isaac rolls with Derek and Peter? No, you need to be with Scott and co!
  • Oh, Stiles, what perseverance!
  • Oh, this little lacrosse scene is beautiful! 
Okay, wow, I literally cannot process how amazing that was! Oh, God, wow! Cinematically, it was beautiful. The tone, the pacing, everything was just superb. 

This was such an amazing episode it terms of the, things I wanted to happen happened. The emotion of this episode was nearly overwhelming, I mean I really ran the gamut from anger to joy to anguish and everything in between.The scenes with Stiles and Lydia were adorable, truly, and Stiles is an amazingly sweet guy, as well as a total and complete badass and I loved him in this episode. I also really appreciated Chris Argent's change of heart, and I was glad to see such a true revelation of Gerard's true motives. I was of course upset to see Scott being so forgiving of Allison and her psycho ways...I mean, we just saw her slice Isaac to ribbons and now we just let it go? Please comment on this, if you have the time, am I alone in thinking Scott should get over her, or at least be a little less accommodating or am I being to harsh?

Okay, finally, that ending scene...whoa, whoa, whoa! Can I just say, Colton Haynes is literally magnificent. Like, he shouldn't have been leaking venom this episode, he should be leaking epic, because that is what he is made of. Oh, my God, that dream with Lydia and Jackson in bed together was just darling...I've pitited Jackson before, but I never liked him, and just the look (beautifully portrayed by Colton Haybes, as always) that he had with Lydia was so sweet that it broke my heart a bit. Also, that Jackson's "last words" were asking if Lydia still loved him...oh, that was beyond sweet. Also, sad that he needed to ask that, of course, that he needed to be told that she loved him but so, so bittersweet that his "death" came after her confirmation of that fact. And, my God, Jackson's resurrection was so freaking beautiful I cannot describe it to you, it literally defies description...seriously, just watch it...that scene demands an award...does anyone give an award for best moment ever or something, because this deserved it...this was no resurrection, this was an apotheosis...yes, I will call this the Apotheosis of Jackson in my mind from now on. And that roar! Wow! And, of course, Lydia and Jackson clinging to each other...I ship them so much more vehemently now...the chemistry between Holland Roden and Colton Haynes has always been impeccable, but I guess I never really saw the good part of their relationship until the bed scene. Beautiful, truly. 

In short, this was everything a finally should be. I wept with both grief and joy, experienced so many turns I nearly got whiplash and got a satisfying conclusion as well as a few cliffhangers for the next series. I mean, an Alpha pack? How does that even work? Who leads? Also, what the hell is up with the vet and Ms. Morrell? Ah, we'll have to wait until next year! 

Let me just say this: Teen Wolf  is a masterpiece of television and I feel privileged to have been able to watch it as it aired, having decided to get into it in the beginning, and share my thoughts with you. As always, I highly recommend  the show, and not just for the beautiful cast it entails and their superb acting abilities, but for the quality of its production, the intricacy of its plot and the satisfactory tantalization of its conclusion. 

Thanks for reading!

P.S. I just wanted to say that the finale coincides with my hundredth post on this blog...that makes me so happy. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Price of Greatness - Falling Skies Season 2 Episode 9

*This review contains spoilers.*

You, me, TNT's Falling Skies, as I watch it.

  • Predictions: I expect something to be wrong in Charleston, and really, really hope for a resolution between Hal and Maggie of some kind. Also, more Anne and Tom. And maybe some Pope on the side, because no matter how much I detest his character at times, there are others I absolutely adore him. 
  • Here we go! Oh, wow, look at all those people! This is a nice scene! 
  • Oh, whoa, JEAN! What a turn of events! I like this development a lot. 
  • Arthur Manchester, owner of a cool shirt, apparent mentor of Tom, and hopefully another badass historian. 
  • And Tector is not Tector's real name apparently...I love revelations like that. Good job Falling Skies
  • Ah-ha! This General guy is bad news! I knew there had to be a catch! Hmmm...he seems to resent Manchester, who I feel like I side with. 
  • Uh-oh...this is bad...this is so bad...separate the 2nd Mass?! No! Oh, dear...they're splitting you up and taking your guns so you can't rebel against them when they do something evil, don't you see? Okay, maybe that's just my wild prediction, but I would so try not to go along with this. 
  • And a cute Anne/Tom domestic scene! YES! :) 
  • I love this Arthur Manchester guy...that would be me, "Let's be the George Washington of a new world!" and being all like "a new democracy" and such. Though, I'm really not a fan of the way he's treating Tom right now. 
  • Aw, a Jean and Weaver moment! Yes, where is Diego, I liked him...Oh, man...poor Diego! Whoa, and even more political dissension. Oh, this is getting so good! Political intrigue! YES!!!!! I LOVE this show! Cute daddy/daughter moment for those two. 
  • Whoa, this heart specialist is an asshole...and Dr. Anne Glass, in addition to being a haver of beautiful hair, you are also a total badass. 
  • Wow, I feel like Jean just let on to a serious something going on with these Charleston people. So, dissension equals punishment, but is there an overarching plot? Why would the 2nd Mass get special treatment? Because of the vote? I don't know, I don't know! This is such a good show!
  • Whoa, Tector, you traitor! Pope, you tell that bastard! 
  • Maggie, what are you doing? Ooooh, intriguing! 
  • I agree with Matt, I wish they had never come to Charleston! 
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, the Berserkers are stealing and then Maggie and oh my freaking God Tector shot Lyle! What the hell is the matter with you, Tector?! You bastard! 
  • Oh, wow, I'm starting to think I misjudged Manchester...
  • Oh, come on Maggie, Hal said he was sorry! I ship Hal/Maggie the most for this fandom, I believe. 
  • Ah, yes, the infamous meeting! Oh, Jean, you are getting yourself in trouble! Be careful! Oh, shit, Tom, what are you doing! You are supposed to be supporting Manchester, you're going to get yourself in trouble! Oh, man, be careful! 
  • Oh, come on, Manchester, I seriously misjudged you...
  • ....And Pope and Manchester are having dinner? Odd. Oh, man, Pope don't squeal! ...Oh, wow, that was one kickass refusal, done so hilariously that I can't help but love him. 
  • Oh, wow, Hal, what a rebel you are! Oh, my goodness, this is the sweetest speech from Hal ever....come on, Maggie! Yes!!! :) :) I love this show! 
  • Oh, this is so good! It's golden....oh, no...with Tector, too, goddammit! State of emergency? Oh, Manchester, you bastard! General, I can't believe you! Ah, yes, Tector! Welcome back! 
  • Oh, this is terrifying...Manchester is such a psycho dictator!
  • Whoa, whoa...martial law? I'm not sure a coup was the proper solution...whoa, whoa, whoa...thank you Pope for the commentary. 
Okay, wow, can I just say this was a very packed episode. We went from all is well in Charleston, to a sneaking suspicion of something simply wrong beneath the surface, to their "democratic" leader being a tyrant  and finally to a military coup! What an episode! It was indescribably awesome and I highly suggest you check it out! 

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Battlefield - Teen Wolf Season 2 Episode 11

*This review contains spoilers.*

Here we are: the penultimate episode of the second season of MTV's Teen Wolf! If you've been following along with me, you know I easily succumb to hysteria when the television is good, so be prepared for a serious lapse in coherency...because this has just got to be an amazing episode.

  • Oh, my God! It's coming on, it's coming on! Too excited to have predictions, but if Derek dies I am going to be so livid. I also hope I can stop hating Allison, I really do, but I don't think that's likely. 
  • Watching the "previously on" bit...I totally forgot about Scott's mom! I hope that turns out okay, too. 
  • This is a really, really beautiful opening...I love the voice-over. And that we get to start with Stiles! Yes! I didn't really picture him as the type to accept therapy or counseling. The whole repressed thing about his mother. 
  • Oh, look, Scott shops at Macy's too! Shocker! 
  • Wow, poor Scott! Come on, Mrs. McCall, be cool! I am literally loving this scene, it is just so, so, so cinematic. Oh, the irony...oh, no! Have the Argents figured out where Derek is?
  • I'm giddy with how long this scene has been going ... this is the best scene ever! Not that I'm a Stiles fangirl or anything like that. *sarcasm*  
  • And Scott's showering! Oh, no! Bad things always happen in the shower! And, oh look! Psycho Grandpa dropped by with his pet assassin. Seriously, more people should have a fear of showers. 
  • Yikes! I feel really bad for Scott right now...really great acting by Tyler Posey. 
  • Ah, yes, Erica and Boyd...alone in the woods! 
  • YES! Derek! Oh, wow, domestic fight between the pack members. Oh, yes, I have been waiting for this forever. Oh, God, what a crushing blow this must be for Derek...the vet was right, he is a bad Alpha. A hot one, but still. 
  • ISAAC! Oh, wow, opened with Stiles, then Derek and his pack fighting and now we see Isaac! I love Teen Wolf so much. 
  • Ouch...and now Derek is alone! GAH! It's Peter! Oh, my God, this show is trying to kill me with joy. 
  • Oh, my God, guys, Isaac is getting emotional over a sick little puppy...I wasn't an Isaac fangirl before, but I might be now. Aw, he just helped the poor thing! How cute! Oh, my God, that was a smile! An actual smile! Awwwww! The cuteness is nearly overwhelming! 
  • Hahahahahaha! Peter Hale's description of what when on while he was gone is priceless. Absolutely priceless. Ian Bohen, you are the master of comedy. 
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, the bond between Scott and Isaac here is so cute! Aw, "I don't have anyone," oh, come on, Scott, this is where you tell Isaac he has someone! Oh, well, that was still a lovely moment between those two. 
  • And Scott's mother is making her way through the boys' locker the Coach does Independence Day. That. Was. Priceless. I love Teen Wolf, my absolute favorite show ever.
  • This is quite the moment between Stiles and Scott. Oh, my God, Stiles!!!!!! YES!!!! HE IS ON THE FIELD! I have never been more excited. "I already did that today. Twice." I actually laughed at that. And I don't usually laugh at jokes like that. That's Stiles for you, though. What a moment from the Sheriff. Oh, I am literally so happy for him right now! Finally, Stiles gets his moment of triumph. 
  • Oh, no! The Argents are tricking Erica and Boyd! I hope they end up okay! 
  • Gerard Argent is one sick bastard. 
  • Hahaha, I love Stiles so much! Oh, come on, Stiles, in front of Lydia and your father? You need to do something!
  • Ah! Isaac! Yes! God, I'm really starting to like him!
  • Oh, no, if those damn Argents get Erica and Boyd...I am going to be so pissed! Wow, my heart is literally pounding! This is such an amazing show!
  • NOOOOO! Allison, you bitch! I don't even like Erica that much! No, no, no, don't hurt her! 
  • God, lacrosse is such a violent sport. 
  • No, not Erica! Oh, yes, Boyd! Allison, stop it, you psychopath! That bitch is murdering him in cold blood! Erica, rip her throat out! 
  • Oh, thank God, they must still be alive! Allison is definitely irredeemable now. 
  • Oh, God! Isaac! NO! Not now, after I just fell in love with him! 
  • Oh, Derek, don't let him prey on your vulnerabilities! Oh, God, this is literally the greatest hour of television ever. 
  • Stiles, this is your moment! Go!!!!!!! YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am literally crying with joy right now. The title of this episode should have been "Stiles, Triumphant." Even Lydia was rooting for him, and I am a die-hard shipper of Stiles/Lydia...oh, my God, that was the most beautiful moment ever. Seriously, if you have an ounce of humanity in your soul you will watch and love this show. 
  • And the moment of Stiles's triumph continues! Oh, wow, could this be anymore beautiful? And he's looking at Lydia and she's so proud and oh, my God, this is literally amazing! 
  • Seriously?! Jackson is going all kanima now? Now?! Uh-oh!...okay, that was a female scream...who was it? Not's Jackson?! What, how?! NO! He did it himself? What?! Why is this happening with so few minutes left?! 
  • Stiles?
  • Trailer: I think I see Lydia/Stiles! And plenty of Derek and his pack! Oh, I cannot wait! 
  • Back to this episode...Jackson did it to himself? Theory #1 Gerard thought Scott would be as affected by Jackson's death as anyone else's. Implausible because Jackson is his greatest weapon. Theory  #2 He made it Lydia, who he did reference ("pretty little redhead" or something), but Jackson couldn't kill her (the bond Peter told Derek about), so he turned the need to kill inward. Um...I don't know, really, I'm speculating wildly. 
  • Stiles better be back. Nobody, and I mean nobody, messes with Stiles. 
Oh, wow! What an episode! Literally the greatest to ever grace the screen! I'm honestly more invested in this show that any other. Honestly, the passion with which I hate Allison astounds even me. And I am so worried about Erica and Boyd...they need to make it! I really, really appreciated the sweet moment with Isaac and the puppy. That got me so much. Glad to see Mrs. McCall pretty much giving Scott the go ahead for battle, as the title might suggest. There was a decent amount of Derek, but there could always be more. I was so happy to see the pack leave him...I love them all dearly, so I don't know why that is, but it was such a good scene! 

This needs a new paragraph: Stiles. Those goals, those cheers, that look from Lydia? Crowning moment of awesome. This makes me wish I'd attended a sporting event once in my life. I can tell you there are still tear tracks on my face from the utter beauty of Stiles's moment. I cannot express to you the perfection that was that moment, so you need to watch the episode. It was beautifully acted by Dylan O'Brien, and just inexpressibly magnificent. It's like seeing Earth from space or the view from a mountaintop: no description can convey its beauty. 

Seriously, just watch it...I could ramble on for paragraphs and still not express to you how heart-stoppingly intense, wonderfully sweet and epically triumphant this episode was. As always, if you don't watch the show, then you should. 

Thank you so much for reading!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Death March - Falling Skies Season 2 Episode 8

*This review contains spoilers.*

Once again, we return to TNT's show Falling Skies. I'm not as excited as I was last time I wrote a review, as two weeks is a very long time and I hate when shows do that...this is a great show though, so here we go!

  • I don't even remember where we left everyone, so I make no predictions...hope for more Pope, and also Hal/Maggie (not my OTP, but still an important ship to me). 
  • Hmm...this "previously on" gives me hope for Hal/Maggie, and a little inkling of worry about Pope and what he may do. 
  • Oh, wow, what an emotional impact it must be to receive a will from your nine year old. 
  • I don't think I've commented on their title's nothing special, but I can appreciate a show that keeps it short and gets to the plot. 
  • Tector appears to be getting much more screen time than in previous episodes...I'd like to see his character get a backstory. 
  • Yes! Hal and Maggie...joined by Pope. I think I want him around so much because he's so damn annoying it's funny. Aw, what a sweet Maggie and Hal moment! 
  • Ah, yes, I think we're getting something on Tector! A ex-military guy apparently...why would that be? He killed someone accidentally and can't come to terms with it? Let a friend die? Ah, yes, a mystery! Thank you, Falling Skies
  • Oh, come on, Weaver, we all know you're a big softie about kids. YES! Haha, new character! Wooo! Exciting! 
  • More Maggie/Hal scenes! You need to be watching this show! Aw, that was so sweet! 
  • Pope has kids?! I appreciate Hal's commentary on that immensely. 
  • Aw, what a cute moment! I really love that they have Matt on this show to lighten the mood a bit....And then Jenny (mystery girl) looks a little freaky.
  • I really like the idea of a conversation between Pope and Maggie about Hal. I'm very excited...Whoa, whoa, the what Maggie is? Alien? Convict? Prostitute?
  • Wait, wait Pope and Maggie were a thing? What? What past? Oh, man, this better be revealed before the episode is out. Pope said if Maggie really cared, she'd tell something bad could happen to Hal if she didn't tell him...could she have an STD or other contagious disease maybe? 
  • Okay, okay we're getting more Tector...why would he hide that? He doesn't want to go with them? What is up with him? So many new mysteries this episode! This is super cool! 
  • Uh-oh, this little Matt and Jenny becoming friends thing couldn't last. 
  • Oh, I think we're going to get the speech from Maggie! Come on, what is it? No, she's being all tight-lipped...oh, I think there is going to be a fight. No, no, no we're getting the story! YES! Wow, was I off base! Drugs, robbery, prison and a baby! Wow, I never would have gotten that! I really don't see that Hal needed to know that...I mean, it would have been nice to know, but it doesn't really affect him or his relationship with Maggie. 
  • I love the "Tom Mason and one of his sons" domestic moments. They are very well acted by Noah Wyle in my opinion.
  •  Oh, this is so awkward...Hal/Maggie must endure! Oh, no! What the hell?! What is that light?
  • And even more Tector backstory! Aw, poor guy! 
  • This is a nice moment between Tector and Weaver!
  • Oh, my God! Yes! Triumph! They made it! Wait, that's an awful burned out car...Holy shit! What could have done that to the road? Oh, God, is that Charleston?' 
  • Oh, man, what a moment for Tom! 
  • And what a moment between Tector and Weaver! 
  • Jesus Christ! In what circumstance is it okay to gather a crowd around you by firing into the air? None, okay? None!
  • This is a nice inspirational speech from Weaver. 
  • Whoa, whoa! People! And strawberries! Oh, my God, CHARLESTON IS REAL! 
  • Yes! Hal and Tom and Matt hug! How great! ...And Matt goes and brings up Ben! 
  • Oh, what an ending! That was freaking beautiful! I loved that! What a high note!
Oh, wow! Guys, this was a really intense episode! I was very pleased with the emotional deepening of Hal and Maggie, the interactions between the Mason boys, the further exploration of Tector's character and the fact that the 2nd Mass has finally arrived in Charleston! Woooooo! 

In short, this was a wonderful episode and I highly suggest you watch the show if you don't already!

Predictions (new segment):
  • I hate to be Debbie Downer here, but I'm a bit worried about what everyone is going to find in Charleston...could Weaver's speech about expecting paradise on a silver platter be some kind of ironic foreshadowing of a disappointing Charleston? I mean, an alien invasion would leave the world open for any sort of individual to scrape order together from the chaos....thoughts, anyone?
  • Hal and Maggie survive. They've just go to...thought not my OTP, I really need them to be together! 
  • Tector becomes a very integral figure in Charleston...I feel like we wouldn't have just gotten such a large chunk of information about him if he didn't have some extremely important role to play somehow. 
That's it for me! 

Thank you so much for reading!