Friday, June 29, 2012

BBC's Merlin

I realize I'm about four years late to this party, but I can't not talk about this.

I picked up the DVDs on a whim, and am legitimately two episodes in, so I'm really not qualified to talk about this...but if you've never watched this show, you need to. You just need to.

  • Colin Morgan is gorgeous in that adorable way that I believe could turn into full on sexy as I continue to watch the show. 
  • Bradley James is really attractive in that typically attractive way, but I feel like modern culture is sort of against the "typically attractive" type. Like, there's always something wrong with liking the golden boy; you're supposed to go for the misunderstood villain or the nerdy underdog, but the way Arthur marched into that tournament, man, that was hot. Also, he seems to have daddy issues, so he's not absolutely perfect. 
  • It's Arthurian legend for God's sake! How much cooler can something be? 
  • I pointed this out on my original blog the other day that I really love British television, and this just proves my point. I mean, Doctor Who, Robin Hood, Sherlock and this? I might as well just move there. 
  • I am just over the moon that I found a new show to immerse myself in since I'm kind of over True Blood for some reason. 
I need to stop blogging to get back to the show right now. 

It's amazing, and you should watch it if you were a hold out like me!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Disney Pixar's Brave

*This review contains spoilers.*

Today, two of my friends and I went to see the new movie Brave at the theater. (No, we were not the oldest people there. Not even the oldest people without kids.) I don't normally review movies, but I feel like I have enough to say about this one to review it.

  • First off, they had a little short film at the beginning called La Luna, I believe, and it was too cute!
  • The animation was flawless - from Merida herself to the surroundings, I just loved it. It was a very beautiful, breathtaking landscape, and I really go for stuff like that, so I enjoyed the scenery a lot. 
  • I laughed a couple of times, so it is not absent humor in the slightest. 
  • I loved Merida's speech about legends - it was really beautiful in an inspirational kind of way. 
  • Setting it in Medieval Scotland was really nice. I love all the castles and such, and the accents are fun. 
  • My main problem with the movie is the lack of romance. I was raised with Disney classics like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast, so when I set down to an animated film about a princess, I expected a romance. She made a great speech about finding love when she's ready, then didn't. Maybe I'm missing the message, and maybe every movie doesn't need a romance, but I watch movies and TV and read books pretty much to vicariously experience the romance of the characters. I was pretty let down, to be honest. 
Overall, the movie was a sweet one, with gorgeous scenery, funny moments, cute children and a beautiful soundtrack. I certainly wouldn't say I wasted two hours or the money I spent on tickets and popcorn, but I doubt I'll see this movie again. I did like it, so...

Final Verdict: Go see it! 

Thanks for reading!

Venomous - Teen Wolf Season 2 Episode 5

*Spoilers ahead*

Differing from the usual style in that this is written after I finished the episode.

  • For the first time ever, I am not rooting for Derek. He's being ridiculous, and that damn Erica has got to go. 
  • Allison's moment of paralyzing Erica was the crowning moment of kickass awesome. I so love Allison as a character more now that I ever did when I though of her only as Scott's love interest. 
  • I teared up a little with the Jackson/Lydia scene. Her not wanting to part with her last piece of him, Jackson caring about Lydia like that, maybe rekindling their old fire? I hope so...I think this was the first real Lydia and Jackson we saw, and I loved it. 
  • I am so over Derek. He is an ass. I cannot believe I used to be one of his fangirls. Oh, we are so over. I really hope that Scott remains the Alpha of his own pack, as Derek put it. 
  • I feel bad for Jackson...he's got enough of an inferiority complex/delicate self-esteem that he has to go to such lengths as soliciting lycanthropy from the likes of Derek Hale, and instead of getting it, he becomes some kind of monstrosity reviled even by other shapeshifters. 
  • And that hand thing? Aw, he's lonely...looked like a man's hand, judging by the fingers and that guess is camera guy (the one with the Allison obsession). 
  • Preview: I really pity poor Jackson, locked up and looking so freaked out...I hope they don't kill him off. I mean, who has he killed, really? I can't remember. Oh, right, Isaac's father and lacrosse/mechanic big loss, especially compared to the Jackson/Lydia that could be gained by leaving him live. 
In short, the episode was completely changed my favorite characters around and Allison was badass. I recommend you try to catch it, or get into the series if you haven't!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Compass - Falling Skies Season 2 Episode 3

*This review contains spoilers.*

Once again, my thoughts on TNT's latest episode of Falling Skies as I watch it.

  • You know, this is one of the few shows I watched from the beginning as it actually aired instead of waiting to hear reviews from friends on whether or not I'd like it. I think my leap of faith paid off - in my line up of angst, vampires, teenagers and werewolves, this is definitely a standout during the summer for me. 
  • I have no predictions this early in the season; my only hope is that something bad happens to Pope and we see more Lourdes/Jameel. 
  • I don't know about you, but Ben is really starting to worry me. I mean, the pure enjoyment he takes from killing can't be healthy, can it? 
  • I love Anne and Tom together, I just do. 
  • I never liked Weaver, and I'm feeling a real resurgence of that feeling. I've got a real problem with people who think they are absolute authority and - 
  • Whoa, whoa! Damn you, Pope! I hate him so much! I can't believe I used to ship Pope/Maggie! Don't you listen to him, Tom! Ah, I take back everything bad I ever said about Ben, I love, love, love him! 
  • I also take back what I said about Weaver, he has the right idea. Tom is being way too magnanimous here. What are you doing?
  • Oh, no, if they put Ben under the Skitter's mind control...
  • Oh, this is just awkward. I don't like this at all. 
  • I'm intrigued about Tom's first interaction with the Berserkers...this rivalry with Pope is fascinating. 
  • I want Maggie's hair now...and her and Hal are cuter than they were last episode. 
  • Oh, my God! What the hell is this? If that's character!!!!!! Exciting! Continental Congress? I am so sold! I like this pilot a lot. 
  • Oh, no, you better not be faking me out TNT! Oh, Jimmy...
  • I would really like to see a journey to Charleston plot, personally. 
  • Thank you, Tom! Calling Pope out like that. Oh, my God...Tom, you better take Pope out...oh, my God, guys, this is not an episode to miss! Whoa! 
  • Oh, I love that they are making the decision to stick with Tom and the 2nd Mass...damn, Anthony, no! 
  • Wooooooooo! Anne/Tom is the most amazing thing ever! I love this show and TNT and you should all watch this show! 
  • Aw, I'm tearing up! 
  • Okay, I'm so crying over the compass scene right now. Like, actual tears, right now. Oh, somehow, I can't hate Ben anymore. 
  • Yes, to Charleston! Wooo! 176! Good number! Oh, yes! I am loving this! I have a real affinity for scenes when convoys set off, I don't know why, I just do...this is beyond phenomenal. 
  • Oh, no, Ben! Not after you just had such a moment! No, bad TNT! Don't you put that boy through another traumatic event! 
Amazing episode, amazing show, I highly recommend it!
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne

*This review contains spoilers.*

It's time for another book review! You should expect a lot of classics from me, since I recently purchased a fairly abundant stack from a place called Half-Price Books, which I absolutely love, because they have such old, careworn copies of things - the Great Expectations I purchased even has someone's handwritten notes in it! I just love stuff like that!Anyway, I'm not reviewing this book for it's literary merit or syntactical elegance, so if you're looking for some kind of SparkNote like thing, go there, not here, this is just what I thought of the book.

Surprise, surprise, it's set in New England and centers around the eponymous House of the Seven Gables and its resident Hepzibah and Clifford Pyncheon, the new addition of Pheobe Pyncheon and the daguerreotypist, Mr. Holgrave. Long story short, the first American Pyncheon accused Mathew Maule of witchcraft, resulting in his death and Pyncheon receiving the land, so Maule cursed the house and the whole Pyncheon family for eternity.

My Thoughts

  1. Some people might be put off by the vocabulary of this book, but it's something I love. Once you read lots of older novels, it just comes naturally for you to read and even think (and occasionally speak, to the dismay of my friends) in language like this. I absolutely revel in additions to my vernacular, and I found two wonderful ones: obstreperous and eleemosynary, meaning noisy; difficult to control and relating to charity, respectively. Now, don't you just want to incorporate that into your quotidian conversations?
  2. Also, I like the overall premise of the book; I'm very interested in mystical stuff, and the book's window into the mid-19th century perspective on "Mesmerism" was quite fascinating. And, I mean, who doesn't love a good family curse/haunted house?
  3. I really felt for Clifford. I wouldn't have spent fifty pages describing his many idiosyncrasies, but this is Hawthorne after all, so I don't know what I expected. Wasted potential is something that always gets me, mainly because I hate how I'm eighteen years old and have no discernible way of achieving my purpose in life. 
  4. I absolutely adored Phoebe. She's the kind of person I strive to be, you know? Pleasant, kind, cheerful, that sort of thing. She struck me as very genuine, I suppose. 
  5. Clifford's speech to the random old gentleman during his and Hepzibah's train excursion was completely fascinating. He discussed how the entire course of human history was basically an upward spiral; we were nomadic before, so shall we be again. 
  6. Phoebe/Holgrave. I loved them, truly. They're no Darcy and Elizabeth or Heathcliff and Cathy, but they're up there. I like that they complete each other: Phoebe soothes Holgrave's oddities, and he awakens Phoebe to a different world. I also swooned when Holgrave realized he had hypnotized Phoebe but chose not to irrevocably complete that action. Their declaration of love scene was precious. It was heartfelt and genuine, and the way that they did it as Judge Pyncheon's body sat in the parlor reminded me of Robin's proposal to Marian in the BBC version of Robin Hood (2006), which was my absolute favorite proposal scene in the history of literature, cinema and television. 
Who Should Read It: 
  • Fans of supernatural/paranormal mysteries.
  • Fans of mid-19th century American literature
  • Fans of Hawthorne, or even if you're indifferent, I suggest you give this one a try. 
  • Romance lovers!
Overall Rating: I give this an 8.5/10. At no point did I actually weep or feel my heart swell, and I'm generally fairly emotional while reading, but I certainly believe reading this book to be time well spent. 

The next book I will be reviewing is Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott. 

You may be wondering what kind of teenager spends the last summer before college in this manner. This kind is all I can say, though I say it with assurances that I do leave the house and visit friends occasionally. 

Thank you for reading. 

Feel free to comment. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Worlds Apart & Shall We Gather at the River - Falling Skies Season 2 Episodes 1 & 2

*This review contains spoilers.*

Hi! For those of you that read my blog, I also absolutely love TNT's Falling Skies, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on that, too. If you don't, welcome, I review as I watch the show, so below are my thoughts as I watched the 2 hour premiere of Falling Skies Season 2...which is super late, but Sundays are a busy TV day for me.
  • I hope their "Previously On" bit is good, since I don't really remember where we left anybody except for Tom. It was pretty good, definitely jogging my memory. 
  • I'm not going to lie, I don't really like pure action movies, so I'm not a fan of the opening bit being solid gunfire. The special effects are superb, as TNT's always are...and I love Pope, I just do...his witty one liners get me every time. 
  • Ben, what are you doing? Good to know he's still a little off his rocker. 
  • Oh, my God! It's Tom! Yes, I was so disappointed when they were like "3 months later" and I thought that Tom was just being phased out of the show or something. He's one of my favorite characters, mainly because he's a little nerdy, being a history professor and all, and I'm pretty I'd like to think I could survive an alien invasion, too. 
  • I'm really hoping they continue the relationship between Anne and Tom, I liked that a lot. And it looks like they're going to! :)
  • Ah, yes, flashback to the alien spaceship. Yikes, is that a cattle prod? Finally, we see Karen! I liked her back when she was Hal's girlfriend....I think I liked her better then. 
  • The alien mothership is a little ...I don't know...campy? It works, I suppose, it's just not what I expected. 
  • I'm intrigued as to what position Hal has in the seems like Weaver is treating him as some sort of second-in-command in the absence of his father. Maybe I'm just weird, but I still think of Weaver a little warily. 
  • Total tangent right now: the actress playing Anne, Moon Bloodgood, has absolutely beautiful hair. I want that hair.
  • I like that their clinic is a bus...the Resistance camp is really nicely done, more so than the alien ship in my opinion. 
  • Okay, this is what I love about the show: trapped in a space ship with crazy giant alien man and you're talking history. Good stuff. 
  • Another tangent: Ben looks really attractive this season, like he grew up or something. 
  • Are they setting up Hal and Maggie (I think that's her name)? I'm not sure if I like that. I guess he can have a thing for blondes, but she seems too tough girl compared to Karen. I don't know, I'd be open to it, I suppose. 
  • How are they going to move the vehicles without them heating up? That seems impossible. Maybe I wouldn't survive the alien apocalypse after all. 
  • Wow, I am loving the way Tom is bringing it to these aliens. Whoa! Badass!Tom seizes the cattle prod! That was amazing. Whoa, look at all the other! 
  • ...And in what universe is it acceptable to give a child a weapon of that magnitude? Yikes, this Hal/Ben situation is becoming loaded...the relationship between siblings has always fascinated me, perhaps because I don't have any. Oh, that was low! I am so Team Hal in this. 
  • Is he seriously burning money? Dude, that is not okay! I don't care if it is the end of the world! 
  • Is it me or does that girl look scary? Maybe it's the dirt...wait, wait, if they go together, where is she now? Okay, I like the Captain now. I don't know why, but scenes like this in movies or TV, when they break open the good stuff because it's the end or they can't take it with him, always get me. 
  • Is Weaver just leaving those four behind with the doctors? Oh, come on, at least black out the windows. I really wish Ben wasn't on this mission. Oh, this is scary. Wow, it actually worked. Unless Ben does something stupid...No, it looks like we're good!
  • Oh, I see, I totally thought she got it. 
  • Ben, you dumbass! Come on! Really? 
  • Aw, this is such a sweet scene! This gorgeous light and the looking into each other's eyes thing, oh, it's just beautiful. 
  • Now I feel bad for being angry with Ben...Aw, it's a family reunion! Too cute!
  • Oh, my God, a wall of death right now is so not what I need after that sweet family reunion. 
  • I love Pope so much; he's just hilarious. 
  • I don't like the sound of the plan Jameel (Jamil?) has to fix the bridge fairly shoddily. 
  • Oh, come on, Tom, that is not the kind of thing you put on your son. Uh-oh, this is looking bad. Poor little Matt, I liked that we're seeing more of a family dynamic from the Masons. 
  • Oh, shit, this looks bad, I can't even watch all this nasty eye stuff...oh, ew. 
  • Aw, how cute, a deer! :)
  • Okay, that was an impressive image. 
  • Whoa, whoa, Pope, what the hell are you doing?! I changed my mind, I am so not a fan of Pope anymore. Not at all. 
  • Oh, I feel so bad for him. 
  • Oh, is this a Lourdes and Jameel coupling?
  • Okay, that conversation between Maggie and Hal was the weirdest come on I have ever heard.
  • Yes! Lourdes/Jameel are my new favorites! Woooo!
  • No, don't you go for Lourdes you thingy! No! Okay, whew, nobody messes with my new favorite character! 
  • Is it me, or does that look unstable? Oh, somebody is so getting dumped in the river, and I, for one, hope it's Pope. Then again, he's on a motorcycle, and that medical bus is a lot bigger and heavier and Tom is tied to it...for drama, I predict that that is what breaks the bridge. 
  • Oh, no! Anne, what are you going to do? Can't they push the bus?  Oh, no! Oh, thank God! Anne is probably in my top five characters on this show, and I'd be heartbroken if anything happened to her. 
  • Oh, I can't handle this. Run, Tom, run! Pope you bastard! You son of a bitch! What were you thinking? Oh, I cannot get over this. No, no, no! 
  • Hal, you better punch him - thank you, Hal! 
  • Oh, thank God! 
  • Okay, that is creepy. 
Wow, that was so good! And the trailer for the rest looks amazing, too. 

If you don't watch this show, I highly recommend you pick it up! It's one of the best summer shows, in my opinion, anyway. 

Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Confession - The Borgias Season 2 Episode 10

*This review contains spoilers.*

Oh, my God, the season finale at last! Like I said in my last post, I really expected Juan's death to be the end of the second season, so when Micheletto and Cesare dumped Juan into the river, all my predictions went out the window...unless Juan, syphilitic, infected, one-legged, stabbed and crazy as he is, crawls out of the Tiber and, dripping wet, bloody and enraged, storms into the Vatican demanding Cesare's head....yeah, that's pretty unlikely.

Ooooh, it's on!
  • Wow, getting Savonarola to confess was certainly easy...oh, I see. That was gutsy, but I still hate him so much...mainly because he made a fool out of Cesare that one time back in Florence. And for the Bonfire of the Vanities. 
  • Uh-oh, what is Cesare going to tell Rodrigo? He can't tell him the truth...just chalk it up to Juan's many afflictions and vices? Unless someone finds the body with stab wounds on it...yikes!
  • And we have a visitor from....Spain? He looks Spanish to me...Ah, another suitor. Well, this is fun...though I'm not a fan of this Alphonso's eyebrows, his accent makes up for it. 
  • Oh, dammit, Antonello has more poison! I hope he gets it somehow before the episode is out. 
  • Micheletto's kind? Oh, "sodomites"...probably not a good idea to piss off your torturer, Savonarola. 
  • Oh, my goodness, Alphonso I love you! This guy is perfect! Oh, Lucrezia don't you hurt him! 
  • I have been looking forward to more Cesare and Machiavelli all season! Yes! Is he is suggesting forgery? Oh, I love this guy!
  • Rodrigo and Giovanni are so cute!
  • Oh, I am looking forward to the Alphonso/Lucrezia moment. Aw, I almost feel bad for poor Alphonos, knowing what he is getting himself into. This is too cute! Awwwww! Yes, marriage!!!! Woooooooo! I am so happy! :) :) :)
  • ...And there's a body? What did they do, dredge the Tiber? Is it is Juan not dead? History shows us that the prevailing opinion is that Cesare did kill Juan...are they completely rewriting it? 
  • ...Guilia and Rodrigo are looking for Juan themselves? 
  • Oh, shit, did Savonarola just DIE? Okay, no, he lives...yeah, Cesare! ...Way to take care of business, Micheletto.
  • Uh-oh, haul from the river? I hope Rodrigo isn't the one to find Juan...uh-oh, I don't like the sound of this music...AAAAAAAAAAAAH! It is! Oh, holy shit, poor Rodrigo. 
  • Cesare doing a pretty badass walk, with the forged confession...and finding a mourning party...Oh, no, poor Cesare...
  • You go, Lucrezia! I feel bad for poor Rodrigo, but that was badass. And he's asking Cesare...oh, this is heartrending, but so beautiful. 
  • No burial? What's he going to do, make him some sort of Lenin-like shrine? 
  • Oh, my God, it's finally the end for Savonarola! I like that Micheletto is doing it in the end. And what is wrong with Cesare? He can't watch him burn, again? Oh, looking for Rodrigo.
  • Wait, why is he hesitating? What is he going to do? Oh, don't give him a chance to shout Cesare forged the confession! Oh, Rodrigo, don't go out there! Don't! Don't do it! Oh, he's offering absolution, okay - he did NOT just spit on the Pope! That bastard! At least he didn't tell Rodrigo anything about Cesare...epic music in this scene....So ends Savonarola. 
  • Oh no, Lucrezia don't ask if he killed Juan...oh, okay, a marriage proposal, I can deal with that, I like Alphonso. 
  • Cesare seems pretty certain Rodrigo will make him Gonfaloniere. Considering he's still sitting in a darkened room with Juan's body, I doubt this.  
  • So Rodrigo is going to fast until Juan's murdered is found? This is not going well...Oh, Cesare, oh no, you're gonna tell him? That is so brave, truly, but I don't think this is a good idea. Confession? Oh, Cesare, you are really dragging this out for poor Rodrigo. His speech is very moving, can't you validate him a little bit, Rodrigo? Oh, God, here it comes...oh, Cesare... Come on, Rodrigo, your other son is dead, give Cesare something. Release from vows, that's good, take the ring, take the ring...Oh, Rodrigo, come on...this was so emotional, I'm tearing up right now. 
  • I loved Cesare's dropping the cross, that was lovely...Bit anticlimactic to go to Vanozza and Lucrezia planning some papers. 
  • I really like Cesare being all in charge...(and not just because it's hot either)
  • Ah, yes, party! I'm really anticipating Rodrigo becoming a little unhinged after the blow of Juan's death and Cesare's part in it....And Juan's a little boy again...Oh, man, they're going to make me feel bad for wanting Juan dead. Aw, Rodrigo carrying little Juan is heartbreaking! Poor Juan! Poor Rodrigo! Is he just leaving him there? Oh, he's burying Juan with his own two hands, that just makes this all the more tragic. 
  • Oh, I love scenes like this! The epic music as we float by all the major characters...Cesare and Lucrezia dancing divinely and Alphonso and Vanozza look on...Rodrigo burying his favorite son, who's a man again. In the interest of full disclosure, I am so bawling my eyes out right now. 
  • ...Oh, dear, Rodrigo is crashing the engagement party...Cesare is going to handle it, I suppose, though how I'm not too sure. Well, this is one of history's more awkward conversations, I'm sure. Oh, shit, is that Antonello over there? Not now, you bastard! Oh, no, no, no!!!!! Don't drink it! No! No! Thank God! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He drank! Oh, no! 
  • Wait, wait, is he chastising Cesare? Telling him why Juan was the favored son? Oh, this is heartbreaking for poor Cesare! Aw! Oh, dear, God! If they end on Rodrigo chocking, so help me God! No, no! This is not happening! He can't die, not like this! Oh, no! Don't you dare! WHAT? WHAT?? NO! 
  •   *MAJOR SPOILER MAJOR SPOILER* I looked it up, and, historically, Juan died in 1497 and Rodrigo didn't die until he can't be dead, but that was still one hell of an ending. *END OF SPOILER*
  • Oh, wow, this was an absolutely amazing finale. I think, historically, Cesare is supposed to be a bad guy, but I just can't think of him that way. He submits to the cardinal's robes, protects his family, does everything Rodrigo asks and more for approval or affection or love or something, and, still, Rodrigo prefers just gets me. 
Anyway, this was the most heart-pounding hour of TV ever, and I recommend you watch it ASAP!

If you like my style of doing these, stay right here for tonight's episodes of True Blood and Falling Skies, between which I had a hard time choosing...but I figured True Blood  is an old favorite and it is The Borgias finale. 

Thanks for reading everybody! ^.^

Authority Always Wins - True Blood Season 5 Episode 2

*This review contains spoilers.*

My thoughts on tonight's episode of HBO's True Blood as I watch it.

  • This show is so deliciously crazy I'm not even going to try to predict anything, I'll just pray there's no more Eric/Marian-who's-actually-Nora sex.  
  • God, I love Pam so freakin' much, it's unbelievable! 
  • You know, I've always wondered if the screenwriters just like to torture the set dressing people...I mean the whole Marianne the Maenad forest in the house bit and now Vampire!Tara is trashing the place....#foodforthought.
  • Ah, yes! Bill, Eric, and MariaNora. (Sorry, for those of you who don't know, Lucy Griffiths played Marian in the BBC 2006 version of Robin Hood an that is literally all I can think of her you know.) Uh-oh, this doesn't look good. But, what does look good is Eric Northman in a leather jacket. This scene totally reminds me of the first time Harry goes to the Ministry of Magic, and I have no idea why. 
  • I totally thought Martha and Alcide were going to throw down...Luna is pretty badass. 
  • Okay, Terry is being extremely creepy right now. Did he get cursed by some Iraqi medicine man or something? Poor Arlene, she got stuck with psycho Rene and now Terry's going off his rocker...
  • Now we know what happens when a vampire tries to defy her maker...good to know. 
  • YES! Flashback! I love these! Pam is....the madame of a brothel? Oh, I bet this is how she met Eric - he killed Claire!
  • Bill is so sweet sometimes...Oh, shit, UV light? That's just cruel. Poor everybody :'( 
  • Hahahahahaha! "She just ate her son." Uh-oh, trouble in paradise for Luna and Sam...I'm so with Luna on this one...Martha is a psycho and Sam is being patronizing and ridiculous. 
  • ....It's like Where's Waldo only with a a psycho vampire! Whoa, whoa! Tara defied her maker's orders! What the hell? Can that happen? 
  • Oh, Jason...
  • ...Annddd Andy's back on V! Come on, dude! Or maybe not. Good for you, Andy!
  • "Jesus loves vampires"? Nice to know he is so set in his beliefs and not hypocritical at all...
  • Terry is so losing it...
  • No, Lafayette, don't do it!
  • Hahaha...Jason, Jason, Jason...
  • Ah, yes, flashback time! Wooo! Is that Eric? No, too, short...ah, that's Eric. :) Oh, he is amazing. Beyond perfection in that tophat...and that cravat! 
  • Is it me, or does that guy about to torture Bill look a lot like Alistair from the CW's Supernatural. The Vampire Bible? Oh, come on! That is so campy! Lilith? Are we going here? God's a vampire? What? What? Oh, no, don't torture Bill, please! Oh, you gotta love Eric being so snarky! And Bill, too! I'm starting to really dislike this torture episode...that is so not my thing. 
  • Steve Newlin! This is too weird! Paying for Jason  is ... um ... intriguing. I love Jessica right now, so, so much!  
  • Arlene visiting Patrick? I don't normally do the big and dumb-looking type, but this Patrick guy is really, really hot...until he starts lying like a rug to Arlene. Jackass. I love Arlene here. Ah, I see...psycho with a fire fetish. 
  • Haha...Mrs. Fortenberry is beyond hilarious. 
  • "Holy fuck" is right! Emma's a werewolf!
  • And Tara's up. Wait, the colloidal silver is motion sensitive? Or is it vampire sensitive?
  • ...Weird blood sucking ritual...that guy is so Alistair...10 year old kid...vampyr? Okay. 
  • I don't think I can handle a Marian torture session. 
  • ...Wait, the vampires are worried about the humans' numbers? 
  • Like hell are they actually delivering the true death...Bill, what are you doing? Okay, this is good. 
  • Uh...Bill...meeting the true death either way is not good. 
  • Oh, eww, what the hell is that Russel? 
There are no words for it if you like the series of course. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Turn! Turn! Turn! - True Blood Season 5 Premiere!

*This review contains spoilers*

  • Oh, my God! After a whole year, here we go! Tara! Reverend Newlin! Eric! Bill! Oh, my God!
  • Oh, God, we get in an instant replay! Eric did NOT just say "Fuck Sookie!" That bastard! Oh, no! Poor Bill and Eric! Oh, God, no! Tara, you have to live! Oh, wow! They are kicking off their fifth season with a bang!
  • You know what's funny? After four entire seasons, the last of which I thought was by far the best, I still don't know what the heck I think about the intro.
  • The conversation between Naked Jason and Vampire Newlin is absolutely priceless! Jason, you dumbass!
  • And Pam in the hole is utterly hilarious!
  • Oh, dear God...Steve Newlin is gay? What? What!? No! I refuse to believe this! Well, maybe the sweaters should have been an indication...Oh, dear God...this is the weirdest turn of events ever.
  • Whoooooooooooo! Yeah, Jessica! That was the most badass thing ever!
  •! God! That's Marian from Robin Hood!!!! Lucy Griffiths! It's Lucy Griffiths! Aaaaaaaah! I love her! :)
  • What the....Eric and Marian? I mean, Nora? Sister?! Dude, do you usually bestow such passionate kisses on your sister? Okay, fellow progeny of Godric, but still...
  • I have to do people just bury people in their backyards and walk around in broad daylight in bloodstained pajamas without raising an eyebrow? And how does everybody manage to lose so many bodies all the time? Jesus! (as in Jesus Christ, not Lafayette's boyfriend.)
  • ...And Andy Bellefleur is passed out naked in some hotel room....with Holly...cue her two  redneck sons...#awkward
  • ...And Terry loses it...Okay, Terry's Army buddy knows something about something...Marine buddy, whatever. What if Terry was some sort of arsonist?
  • ...And Tara kicks ass on some playground! You go girl! Side note: does no one get suspicious when Sookie keeps buying shower curtains?
  • Oh, shit! Lafayette! Don't you dare! 
  • Ah, the infamous tooth...yikes! 
  • "Girlfriend fucker"? That's the best you can do?
  • Poor Alcide...he's just setting himself up for heartbreak...
  • Uh-oh, tell me that isn't Sam yelling...Oh, it is, isn't it? Poor Sam!
  • Oh, my God! I can't see Lucy Griffiths as anyone but Marian, and I can't see Marian having a sexual encounter like this...this is wrong...Oh, my God, make this stop! 
  • ...And there is Jessica, having some sort of sorority party. Aw, poor Jason!
  • I rescind that statement. Really, really rescind it. 
  • Oh, God, tell me Terry's not a psycho. Oh, okay, it's some kind of a thing about their squad and fires...whew, that was close....and he grabs Patrick in a choke hold...Way. To. Go.
  • Wait, Patrick thought Terry was doing this? Is this like government mind control testing. 
  • Wow, what a party! Jason and Jessica are such a couple...who is this college guy? And Jason and whats-her-face...aren't going to have sex? Wow...this is a fascinating insight into Jason's psyche. 
  • Uh-oh, where is Tara? She can't be dead...not dead dead anyway. 
  • Poor Sam, I always liked him. I hope he doesn't die here...
  • Oh, sweet Jesus, they're eating him!!!!! What the hell! Not okay. Repeat, not okay!
  • Oh, no, not more Marian/Eric...Oh, shit, not the Authority! They better live!
  • Yes! Movement! Oh, wait, that's Pam. No! No way! This cannot happen. This does not happen. Don't you dare kill Tara! cannot be happening. She wakes up Oh come o- Holy shit! What! Did Tara just attack Sookie? Oh, HBO, you can't leave me like this!
What an episode! Steve Newlin, gay vampire would-be lover of Jason Stackhouse, Tara, would-be vampire murderess of best friend, Eric, Bill, Marian/Nora, about to be toast...I don't know if I like this...still, I'll come back for more. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

World of Wonders - The Borgias Season 2 Episode 9

*This review contains spoilers.*

Once again, my thoughts on the most recent episode of  Showtime's The Borgias.

  • Okay, ending the "previously on" with the Pope telling Juan he can't defend himself? That sounds like Juan isn't going to be around much longer...if the syphilis/leg/opium doesn't get him first. 
  • Aw...poor Raphaello...I want him to be with Lucrezia!
  • Damn that Savonarola...all that precious artwork!
  • Okay...people with dead animals on sticks? Ah, Savonarola's minions. I'm really starting to loathe this guy. Oh, no! A witch burning! That poor woman! Side note: Cesare looks hot when his hair is blowing in the wind. Someone has got to knock Savonarola down a peg. Oh, yes, Cesare this is beautiful! God, this could not be a more perfect scene. 
  • ...And we cut to Juan...talking to his penis? Well, that's something you don't see all the time. 
  • Oh, my God, I though he was just going to light some oil on fire on the floor, but those wooden things? This is going to be epic. That look from Cesare as Savonarola was bashing his father was beautiful. Here he goes! At least we know he really believes this himself...Epic music...And the masses are fickle...Cesare, triumphant...that was some spectacle. 
  • This monk kid that's going to poison the Pope is really creepy. 
  • ...And Juan is high as a kite in some opium den. 
  • Antonello! That's his name! Oh, don't do it, Rodrigo! 
  • Ah! Shakespeare reference! Okay, here's Guilia, where's Vittoria? I thought she was going to become a bigger deal...
  • Cesare looks so cute with a baby! Aw, that was such a cute scene!
  • Oh, no! Antonello! Not now you bastard!
  • ...And Juan arrives...ooh, zinger from Vanozza! 
  • Ah! Yes! Antonello spilled the poison! 
  • Ooooh, this is pretty!
  • Ahhhh! Cesare, that was beautiful! Oh, Juan, the prodigal son? Really? You went there? Don't let him get to you Cesare!
  • Oh, my God! Juan! Don't you dare! That bastard...I hope Cesare gets him! I also hope he doesn't do it with those dancing girls.
  • Aw, poor Cesare! Rodrigo loves you too!
  • Yeah! Michelletto to the rescue! I hope she doesn't get syphilis...and I hope Micheletto would just strangle him already.
  • Title of the episode! Oh, Juan is so dying right now! Cesare is going to kill him, I know it! Right now, as they hug, he's going to do it...*gasp* he did it! He actually did it! Oh, my God! I stand in awe, too!
Oh, my God, this was one hell of an episode! 

I had kind of anticipated Juan's death being the end of the I have no idea what to expect next Sunday! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan

The third and apparently final book in The Kane Chronicles. To be totally honest, as I only am with you, dear blog readers, I had no idea this came out until I saw it at the store and bought it. I loved it, like I do all Rick Riordan's books, and here's a little bit about why.

My Thoughts

  1. I started this book today at about 6:00 PM and read it straight through in five hours. Like all of Riordan's books, it's a very engaging read. Some people think quick books indicate a low level of literature, but I strongly disagree: it's so good, you just plow right through three or four hundred pages, completely unaware of even turning them you're so absorbed. His writing is accessible or relatable or something...I don't know, but I highly recommend his works.
  2. I am, of course, fascinated by mythology. I'm particularly partial to the Greco-Roman  pantheon, but I'm still quite interested in the Ancient Egyptian deities as well, so that was very interesting to me. 
  3. As always, there's a fair bit of light humor, which never ceases to make me giggle. 
  4. I'm not gonna lie: at the end, as Carter was waxing poetic (and I love poetry, so I use that phrase without a hint of sarcasm) about civilization before they took on Apophis, I teared up. I know, realistically, that in no book/film/TV show is the world ever really going to dissolve away into nothingness/chaos/hellfire - that just doesn't happen - but I still got emotional..and I love a book that can make me cry.  
  5. I'm not going to lie about this either: I have totally had a thing for Anubis in these books. Their relationship, and the Walt element, a Sadie's mother's line about them being awkward in the mortal world just made my heart melt. You have to admit, it's probably the world's only unique ending to a love triangle. Ever. In the history of love triangles. 
  6. I love everyone's premonitions about the "other gods" at the end of the book. :)
Final Score: 10/10

It's a fun read, with great characters and engaging plot and adorable romance...I recommend this, as well as all of Rick Riordan's other books like it, i.e. the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Heroes of Olympus series, and of course, the first two books in this series. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Truth and Lies - The Borgias Season 2 Episode 8

*This review contains spoilers*

Once again, a play-by-play of Sunday's episode of The Borgias. 
  • Here we go! I'm so excited! I'm looking forward to Juan trying to explain himself, Cesare making another bid to become the leader of the army and some more interactions between Lucrezia and Raphaello...and maybe Caterina Sforza doing something reckless/badass...though how she'd top baring it all before the entire Papal army is beyond me...but we shall see. 
  • Oooh...Rodrigo starts strong. 
  • And here comes Juan...he is a bastard, but I kind of feel bad for him limping around and having to ask for help but be humiliated to do it...and now he's lying and I lose all pity...he's quite the dramatist, however. You gotta love David Oakes. 
  • Oh, my God! Juan suspects Cesare of deceit...and Cesare realizes how evil Juan is...poor Benito! I'm glad he has a name now. I'm rooting for Cesare in this one, all the way!
  • "I would've been there to the end." God, I love Cesare right now...just wow. 
  • ...And Rodrigo is trying to look up how to curse Savonarola XD
  • That jealous, burning look on Juan's face ... And Cesare! Wow, he sure knows how to twist the rusty knife! I'm predicting Juan's death...I mean, he already had syphilis, and that weird probe up his dick can't be helping, and now this leg wound, which is freaking yellow? "Blindness, madness, death," does not sound good...and neither does opium...I can't imagine how I can hate him so much but still pity him his apparent fate.
  • Haha...Vanozza and Rodrigo it! 
  • I love the juxtaposition of Cesare, strong, tall and competent with Juan, coughing, pale, verging on the pathetic...and I love the way Rodrigo acts the comforting and indulgent father when Juan freaks out...and acts as a referee as they bicker. 
  • Yeah, Don Hernando! Stand on principle! Wooo!
  • I really hope that they don't kill Brother Bernadino...
  • ...And Vanozza is telling Lucrezia to get it on with both Calvino and Raphaello!!!!
  • Oh, my God! What is Mohammed is here to assassinate Juan? Oh, no, it's just an opium den. I feel like Juan doesn't need another addiction/vice. 
  • Don't tell me Michelletto is going to kill Benito? ...Or is he going to make love to him?
  • Oh, I see, he's going to tell the Pope what happened at the siege of Forli. 
  • Oooh! Yes! The Pope is going to set into Juan now! "Not even yourself"??? Is that a threat? Oh, now Juan's going to be a drama queen. 
  • Cesare is a sly one alright...I'm glad Benito is getting home. 
  • Ooooh....Lucrezia is making the first move! They're going for it! Oh, my God! Ladies, fyi, Raphaello is more than just fine words...he cuts a fine figure as well ;)
  • Ominous music? I'm really worried about Bernadino now!
  • Wooo! You go Benito!
  • And Calvino proposes with a boat...I like that!
  • Wooooooooooooooo! Marriage! I feel a little bad for Calvino, seeing him smile like that and knowing she's doing it with his brother. 
  • "I fight men, not boys." I always though Cesare Borgia was supposed to be a snake, but he appears to have real honor here. Interesting. 
  • Oh, God, that freaky monk boy murdered Brother Bernadino! No, you bastard! I'm glad you've had to be in agony with the poison!!!!
Okay, episode over. It was a great one, and I recommend you check it out. 

Also, a general tip? Watch Game of Thrones. This past Sunday's episode was amazing. Daenerys Targaryen is the most bad ass character ever. Everyone else is awesome, too...but she stands apart, especially in this past episode. 

My Predictions: 
  • Juan gets it...somehow. 
  • Cesare takes over the Papal armies.
  • Raphaello has second thoughts about screwing his brother's wife. 
What do you think will happen?

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Thoughts on Today's Diamond Jubilee Festivities

Hi guys! I spent eight and a half to nine hours watching the pageant on the Thames River today, so I though I'd talk about it on my blog.

As most of you have gathered by now, I'm an American, so I watched the live stream on the BBC's website from about 7:30 AM to maybe 1:00, 1:30 in the afternoon, and it was so amazing!

The Royal Barge was so opulently, yet tastefully done and I thought that the Queen looked so beautiful in white, and I was really wowed by Kate's red ensemble.

I actually shrieked out loud when they showed Matt Baynton and Jim Howick from Horrible Histories...if it had been people from pretty much any other British TV show (apart from Doctor Who...or the 2006 version of Robin, that's it), I would've been so lost, but I totally watch that was a really good moment for me.

Okay, I admit, I was totally squeeing when they did the sequences in the maternity ward of St. Thomas's hospital, with the "Jubilee Babies," that was absolutely adorable!

I was totally in awe of all the boats they had. The Gloriana was beautiful, and the fact that people were actually rowing all those boats was amazing, and then all the historic Dunkirk ones...I was really impressed that they had over 1000.

I also squealed out loud when a Wordsworth poem was quoted...that's why I'm an English major ;)

The bit when they had the horse from War Horse give a salute to the Queen was absolutely amazing...I really loved that for some reason.

I'd never seen St. Paul's Cathedral before, even though I've heard it mentioned by many it was nice to see that.

And, oh, my God, Tower Bridge went all the way up! I was actually really excited for that as they kept saying that it was going to go up...that was really neat.

I also really liked the quick summary of Queen Elizabeth's reign they gave...I thought that was a nice touch.

I absolutely died when the London Philharmonic Orchestra boat came around the Spirit of Chartwell and they sang Land of Hope and Glory, I think it was, just as it was totally raining...that was amazing, and they kept singing, right on through Rule Britannia and God Save the Queen, in the pouring rain. I totally teared up,  I'm not going to lie.

I was also really surprised when the fireworks went off from Tower Bridge; that was really amazing, too.

So, if you care what I thought, I thought the pageant on the Thames today was amazing, and if you didn't see it, I suggest you poke around online and look for some video, because it was awesome.

Check back for more commentary from me on Diamond Jubilee festivities and a review of World Without End by Ken Follett.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

*This review contains spoilers*

Of course, this book was absolutely phenomenal because it's from the Mortal Instruments, other reviews of which you can check out in the archives, so I won't show you my synonym finding skills by telling you that again.

My Thoughts:

  1. I absolutely adored Jordan and Maia. The scenes that they spend together in Jordan's bedroom and the just the way they act is adorable. It's like they're getting to know each other all over again, but with the undercurrent of an eternal passion, as they've previously been together. That, and I just loved Jordan's mix of cockiness and vulnerability. 
  2. Likewise, I find Isabelle and Simon to be an amazing couple as well. They're cute, but they've got an edge. They're too imperfect people who have found themselves fitting together perfectly, and it makes my heart ache, genuinely. 
  3. The scene with Simon and his sister, Becky, aka the first fictional Becky who is not a freak or a loser, is just the most endearing, adorable wonderful scene for Simon. 
  4. The verbal sparring in this book between Sebastian, Jace and Clary is just deliciously funny. 
  5. I'm going to lay all bare and tell you that, in the middle of the novel, when Sebastian was telling Clary he just wanted to abolish the Clave and he wanted Clary by his side and he'd only tried to kill Jocelyn because he was hurt and lonely and such...I was so gone; he had me hook, line and sinker. ...Then, of course, we find his real designs are destroying humanity/hooking up with his sister....yeah, I'm a poor judge of character, okay? Though, to be fair, in fiction the bad guy really does just need someone to love him to make it all better...Props to Cassandra Clare for going a different way. 
  6. This book has all the awesome of the previous books by Cassandra Clare, i.e. epic writing, engaging characters, amazing plot twists, heart-wrenching romance, but there's also new things like The Iron Sisters and a more in depth interaction with Raziel. 
  7. Jace's scene with Clary when Magdalena cut Lilith's mark,....I'm not gonna lie, that was hot :)
  8. This, and the rest of the Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices books by Cassandra Clare, is what a book should be. It's why I read, and I would recommend it to anyone!
  9. I have a prediction, since Clockwork Princess hasn't been released yet: William Herondale and Brother Zachariah are one and the same. Okay, bear with me. We saw Tessa in City of Glass, and the last time we saw her in Infernal Devices, she'd agreed to marry Jem. So, Will, distraught and unable to reconcile his love for Jem with his love for Tessa runs away. Eventually, Jem dies. Tessa is immortal, but Will will die...unless he becomes a Silent Brother. On page 517, Brother Zachariah tells Clary he would have died for two people....Jem and Tessa! Okay, that's far-fetched and a little ridiculous, I know, but it just struck me. 
Final Score: Infinity and beyond/10 Amazing book, as are the rest. Read them all!