Monday, August 20, 2012

Surviving Death - Copper Season 1 Episode 1 PREMIERE!

*This review contains spoilers.*

Hi! If you're new here, I do reviews of TV shows as I watch them followed by commentary. I've decided to pick up BBC America's Copper because, I mean, BBC has  Doctor Who and Merlin and Sherlock and  all the other good stuff, so this ought to be great, too, right? Besides, it's their first original series and I mean, it's set in the mid-19th century and you know me and anything remotely historical.  Also, they had an article on their blog with "hot pictures" of Tom Weston-Jones, the star, and this video about why women love his character...and I was so sold.

Okay, sorry, babbling, but I'm super excited. The actual review:

  • I am literally giddy with excitement right now...ah, here it comes! :) Whoa...this intro is absolutely wicked. I can already tell that this is one of those shows where I need to watch each episode twice. The music, the imagery, the coloring, absolutely everything about this intro is to die for...oh, BBC America, you never cease to amaze. 
  • New York City, 1864...oh, I adore this, love, love, new favorite TV show. I'm assuming this beautiful eyes belongs to our hero...yep, oh, and he just said, "What's your name, darlin'?" Ah, I am so sold on Tom Weston-Jones. 
  • ...Um...okay...Annie is a bit...uh...mature...for her age...
  • I love this score...oh, I am in love with this show already. Seriously, tune in, it's on BBC America Sundays at 10 PM. 
  • The costumes are really great, and the entire set has a very authentic feel, in my opinion.
  • It seems Detective Corcoran is a proponent of shooting first, questioning later. O.o. I mean, whoa, it's been like five minutes and we're already being bombarded with action? Oh, man, I am beyond thrilled to have started watching this show. 
  • And this lovely melody persists through the demonstrations of marksmanship....classic. :)
  • So, he's called Corky? I like it...I also love the corruption angle here. 
  • I feel like Corky has some what of a serious rockstar/cowboy vibe going on. And I like it. ;)
  • Oh, yes, a bit of knowledge of Kevin's wife...I remember reading about her on the show's website. Fascinating. 
  • Oh, whoa, Annie's dead? Man, this show starts and it just doesn't stop! 
  • Oh, so Kevin just came home to an empty house? Oh, that is rough! And still searching? Wow, does this have potential!
  • Oh, wow, this Matthew fellow is amazing at being a coroner! I love stuff like this, only it's so much cooler in a mid-19th century setting than one of the many modern day forensics shows. Wow, Annie seems to have had a very difficult life. Poor child.
  • Oh, wow, no wonder Sara is terrified, that's horrible. 
  • Whoa, whoa, there's another Annie?! Twins, perhaps? What an interesting development!
  • Ah, the high society of Mr. Morehouse...that's the third shirtless man we've seen in less than half an hour! Whoa, is this another brothel? How many brothels does one town need? 
  • So, Maguire wants to marry Molly...who is a bit too busy working in a brothel. 
  • Aw, his poor daughter Maggie!
  • Oh, my God, that Countessa kept Annie as a prostitute? What an evil, conniving.... 
  • Ah, the imported, English, Elizabeth Haverford...beautiful and smart...oh, please, please, please let there be something between her and Corky...please?
  • Oh, my God, he just beat those guys with brass knuckles! Just like that! With brass knuckles! Oh, wow, that was freaking epic! 
  • Matthew is the real deal with this detective stuff. 
  • I don't know what to think of minute he's being all sweet with injured little girls and the next he is bashing skulls with brass knuckles. 
  • Wow, Matthew is good. Really, really good. 
  • Oh, dear God, Corky is It was Mr. Haverford! And he just walks out with the wolf's head God, this man is badass. 
  • Uh-oh...asking if he told any reporters? Taking over the case? It seems like they're going to take bribes to keep Haverford's affinity for young girls on the down low. 
  • Bill Longin? Kate walked in? Oh, that is such a lie! Oh, they are so just trying to save face! 
  • So, Molly wants Kevin? I see...and Annie is at the other brothel? He lied to save her from Haverford?
  • Oh, wow, this worked out surprisingly well for Bill...I like that.
  • Whoa, Mrs. Haverford is taking some serious initiative. I can't imagine what it would be like to find out that you've married a man who does those horrid things. I really, really love the score to this. And Tom Weston-Jones is beautiful. 
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! This is my new favorite show! This is literally perfect...the setting and feel of the show are just so authentic it's (ironically) almost unreal and just the in-your-face action is totally non-stop and the shocks don't ever let up but it's all pervaded by this sweet, melodious tune and a couple performers doing what seem to be traditional Irish ballads and it gives the whole show this ethereal feel. But, the show also feels it doesn't feel contrived...I don't even know how to explain it to you other than to just recommend that you watch it. And then there is all this class tension, between people like us and people like them, as Bill said in the jail cell, and Sara (Matthew's wife) seems genuinely worried about racial violence....this show has so many places to go it is unreal. 

The main character, Detective Corcoran, AKA Kevin, AKA Corky is freaking amazing...he is totally badass, but he's got the whole troubled past, tortured soul thing, too, and his missing wife and his bizarre loyalty to only one woman in the brothel, Eve...just his motives and such...we saw him as privy and party to blatant corruption in stealing from the bank robbers, but he was also noticeably angered that Haverford seemed to be getting off scot-free for the murder of Kate. I don't know what to think of him, and I absolutely love that...the fact that Tom Weston-Jones is utterly stunning doesn't hurt, either, of course. 

In short, this show is my new obsession, so expect it to consume my waking hours. I cannot wait for next week, and I strongly suggest your peruse its website; they have cool stuff there. 

I really hope I will be able to define what I love about this show, so I can tell you something other than it's perfect...but it really just feels right. It has absolutely everything a show should, and, more importantly, it makes me feel and believe and hope and worry and become invested in these characters. It's the first freaking episode and I already care more about Corky and Annie and Maguire than I do about the characters of any of the other shows that I am currently watching. 

If you didn't watch this show, I adamantly suggest that you is phenomenally perfect, and my absolutely new favorite show...if someone asked me, "Hey, tell me everything you want a show to be, and we'll make it for you," I couldn't have responded with anything remotely like Copper because it has stuff I didn't even know I wanted, let alone the stuff I didn't know I needed

Ah, just watch it, I'll try to define its perfection better next time. 

Thanks for reading!

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