Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Master Plan - Teen Wolf Season 2 Episode 12 FINALE!

*This review contains spoilers.*

Aaaaah! It's finally here! The finale! Oh, my God, I am literally so excited I can hardly bear it! If you haven't been following along, I do reviews of TV shows, particularly MTV's Teen Wolf, as it's my favorite, while I watch them and then conclude with my thoughts on the events of the show...considering how much freaking awesome is about to emanate from my television, that should generally consist  of exclamation points.

Babbling, I know, sorry, I can't help it. If Derek dies or Allison lives, know that my rage will be visceral and immediate, so if swearing offends you, leave now.

  • Oh, wow, I forgot how much of a cliffhanger there was...okay, Jackson is leaking ... venom?
  • Who the hell is hurting Stiles? Nobody hurts Stiles! What the hell is that noise? Okay, so Erica and Boyd are still alive...good.....Stiles better be okay!!!!!
  • ...No, stay with Stiles! Aw, poor Sheriff Stilinski...I like that Isaac is here for this...and not just because he is beautiful. And hilarious. 
  • DEREK!!!! It's DEREK! :) Really, like two seconds? Oh, you are such a tease! Yes, I did just say that to the TV. 
  • Electric ropes? Who would - oh, of course, Grandpa Psycho, who else? Okay, no torture for Erica and Boyd...good. Oh, Stiles, I love you dearly....Oh, no! Gerard you fucking bastard! Oh, my God! NO! NOT STILES!!!!!! Nobody, I repeat, nobody beats on Stiles...Oh, Gerard, you are dying today...Karma is a bitch and beating up Stiles is like kicking a puppy...a newborn puppy...with a steel-toed boot...Karma is so coming for you, Gerard Argent. (Yes, I recognize how irrational that was...but nobody messes with Stiles, okay?)
  • Oh, yes, Derek! Oooh, awkward! Haha, Peter is hilarious...Ian Bohen is so great. Wait, wait, Gerard wanted Jackson dead...I can't believe he's really dead...I mean, the kanima always healed. 
  • Come on, Chris Argent! I love this guy...you put that bitch in her place! Wooo! Seriously, guys, JR Bourne has eyes of...of...I don't even know, but God they are intense. 
  • Oh, Mrs. McCall, don't tell me you haven't seen all the horror movies where people die in morgues? Oh, God, she's going for the body bag! 
  • Aw, what a moment between Stiles and his dad...that was so sweet! Impressive acting as well. 
  • Okay....Jackson is in some sort of cocoon? Odd. 
  • LYDIA?! Oh, dear God, is this finally, finally Lydia/Stiles? I am literally squealing with happiness! And she brings up Jackson! I'm sorry I'm not grieving, I just can't believe he's really dead. Can I just say Holland Roden is amazing? I mean, seriously, I need to find out what else she's in!
  • ...Whoa...MOVEMENT! That is movement! Is he dead or not? Is that nerves?
  • Oh, Chris are you doing what I think you are? Guess not.
  • Aw, Stiles, toilet paper? And he shops at Macy's too! Jewelry, a TV? Oh, come on, Lydia, this is the sweetest boy ever! Seriously...I would kill for a guy like Stiles to give me toilet paper and a flat screen TV! ...You know, I think they should kiss...he's all roughed up around the eye, so she could lean in real close to look at it or dab at some blood or put something on it and then she'd be right there and she'd tilt her head and he's move in a bit and so she would she and then they would kiss and it would be magnificence made tangible...maybe?
  • Nope, back to Derek and Peter. Beta shape? Wings? Uh-oh...oh dear...Peter is still hilarious. OH! That's why Gerard wanted it! 
  • Uh-oh, Chris is here...OH, YES! He is so turning on Gerard!
  • Oh, yes, this Stiles and Lydia scene is beautiful. Aw, come on, he just admitted he'd be lost without you! Lydia!!!!!!! Come back! Damn! What a scene...Stiles so worried about Lydia! Aw!
  • Oh, yes, Chris is so on board! 
  • Another great Stiles and his dad moment...finally, someone congratulates Stiles on that most epic of lacrosse games ever. Yes, he was a hero! Oh, great moment, great acting.
  • Oh, really, Derek? Haha, Peter, exactly what I was thinking. Oh, I just talked to Peter...not a good sign. 
  • Holy shit, Gerard! Holy shit, Derek! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Oh, no, he is so not dead! DEREK! ISAAC! NO! Oh, Allison you psychopathic BITCH! OH, GOD, this is why I love this show! 
  • YES! Derek is back! And Scott and Isaac are all wolfed out too! Oh, this is epic! So, so , freakin' epic! NO! Derek! NO! Isaac! Oh, God, not Isaac! No! I just started to love him! Allison, you bitch, don't you dare! Oh, no, she's going for Derek! Ah! Oh, God! Oh, yes, Jackson, strangle that psycho! 
  • So, Gerard is dying...what a revelation! Oh, no, don't make Derek do this! Scott, Allison is a psycho bitch, you don't need her! NO!!!! Oh, Gerard you manipulative son of a bitch! Oh, no! The pills? What is in the pills? Mountain ash...is he...? Oh, God, I think he is! YES!!!! 
  • Uh-oh, oh, yes, Stiles to the rescue! With Lydia in tow! Or vice versa! Haha, that scream was hilarious!
  • Aw, that key, this is a darling moment for them...I thought I shipped Stiles and Lydia, but that sweet smile on Jackson's face over Lydia's shoulder made me, for the first time this show, actually like him. Oh, God, he's okay right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEREK YOU FUCKING BASTARD WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!!!!!!! Oh, God, he's asking if she still loves him! NO! He can't die! I am literally sobbing as I write this! NO! Please, no!
  • And Scott just grabs Allison's hand? Really, you just forgive that psycho bitch?
  • Oh, no, NO! I am never going to get over this! Whoa, whoa, is that MOVEMENT! Hallelujah! OH, wow, that rising silhouetted in the lights of Stiles Jeep was magnificent! YES!!!!!!! Oh, and they hug!!!! This is magnificent! YES! Oh, God, yes, I weep tears of joy!
  • Aw, a tear from Stiles? I'm sorry Stiles, but you have to admit that moment where he asked if she still loved him and then them being reunited was utterly perfection. 
  • They keep panning back to Derek...I don't love you anymore Derek...you meant for him to die...and I don't pity the look of regret on your face that no one will tell you they still love you as you lay dying. Okay, maybe a bit...in my heart, but not in my brain. 
  • Oh, God, Scott, really? You just forgive her? And you're going to just wait? And you want to be with this psycho? Oh, come on, if you'd have seen her in the woods with Erica and Boyd? What she did to Isaac? I can't forgive her, I just can't. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else hate Allison still? Or am I alone? Amazing acting by Crystal Reed, of course. 
  • Whoa, whoa....are those all werewolves? What? WHAT?! 
  • Wait, the vet is all decked out in black leather...is he a hunter?
  • An Alpha pack????? What? Is that bad? Wait, Isaac rolls with Derek and Peter? No, you need to be with Scott and co!
  • Oh, Stiles, what perseverance!
  • Oh, this little lacrosse scene is beautiful! 
Okay, wow, I literally cannot process how amazing that was! Oh, God, wow! Cinematically, it was beautiful. The tone, the pacing, everything was just superb. 

This was such an amazing episode it terms of the plot...like, things I wanted to happen happened. The emotion of this episode was nearly overwhelming, I mean I really ran the gamut from anger to joy to anguish and everything in between.The scenes with Stiles and Lydia were adorable, truly, and Stiles is an amazingly sweet guy, as well as a total and complete badass and I loved him in this episode. I also really appreciated Chris Argent's change of heart, and I was glad to see such a true revelation of Gerard's true motives. I was of course upset to see Scott being so forgiving of Allison and her psycho ways...I mean, we just saw her slice Isaac to ribbons and now we just let it go? Please comment on this, if you have the time, am I alone in thinking Scott should get over her, or at least be a little less accommodating or am I being to harsh?

Okay, finally, that ending scene...whoa, whoa, whoa! Can I just say, Colton Haynes is literally magnificent. Like, he shouldn't have been leaking venom this episode, he should be leaking epic, because that is what he is made of. Oh, my God, that dream with Lydia and Jackson in bed together was just darling...I've pitited Jackson before, but I never liked him, and just the look (beautifully portrayed by Colton Haybes, as always) that he had with Lydia was so sweet that it broke my heart a bit. Also, that Jackson's "last words" were asking if Lydia still loved him...oh, that was beyond sweet. Also, sad that he needed to ask that, of course, that he needed to be told that she loved him but so, so bittersweet that his "death" came after her confirmation of that fact. And, my God, Jackson's resurrection was so freaking beautiful I cannot describe it to you, it literally defies description...seriously, just watch it...that scene demands an award...does anyone give an award for best moment ever or something, because this deserved it...this was no resurrection, this was an apotheosis...yes, I will call this the Apotheosis of Jackson in my mind from now on. And that roar! Wow! And, of course, Lydia and Jackson clinging to each other...I ship them so much more vehemently now...the chemistry between Holland Roden and Colton Haynes has always been impeccable, but I guess I never really saw the good part of their relationship until the bed scene. Beautiful, truly. 

In short, this was everything a finally should be. I wept with both grief and joy, experienced so many turns I nearly got whiplash and got a satisfying conclusion as well as a few cliffhangers for the next series. I mean, an Alpha pack? How does that even work? Who leads? Also, what the hell is up with the vet and Ms. Morrell? Ah, we'll have to wait until next year! 

Let me just say this: Teen Wolf  is a masterpiece of television and I feel privileged to have been able to watch it as it aired, having decided to get into it in the beginning, and share my thoughts with you. As always, I highly recommend  the show, and not just for the beautiful cast it entails and their superb acting abilities, but for the quality of its production, the intricacy of its plot and the satisfactory tantalization of its conclusion. 

Thanks for reading!

P.S. I just wanted to say that the finale coincides with my hundredth post on this blog...that makes me so happy. 

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